Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Personal Narrative- The Dieting Cycle Essay - 1025 Words
It was about 1:30 AM. Well, its time to hit the sack, I thought. I had had a really long day. I had been in school since 8 AM and I was truly exhausted. God I hated Mondays! Three classes, four hours of work, and then a night class where even the walls attempted to escape the boredom of the lectures. I wondered how I was able to do this every week. I laughed and thought, I must have a lot of patience... I quickly changed into my favorite pajamas - sweats and a tee- and I began to brush my teeth. As I washed my face to eliminate the dirt and grime of a hard days work, I caught myself staring into the mirror. I said to myself, Gosh, I look horrible today. My hair seemed so dull, so bland. My face looked so pale, so white. My†¦show more content†¦How could I sleep? I was so afraid. I knew that I had only eaten a small bag of pretzels from the vending machine at school. That was not enough for someone to live on. What was I doing to myself? I was smart enough to know that my actions could have some really serious consequences. I could get really sick. I could end up in a hospital. Or even worse, I could die. I rushed out of my bedroom and into the kitchen in search of some nourishment. Things needed to change. I could not keep doing this to myself. I looked desperately through the refrigerator and cabinets in search of something to eat, but everything that I found was way too fattening. But didnt I just say that to myself, like five minutes ago that I was too thin and that I needed to eat more? God I hated this! Everyday it was a constant struggle - dont eat, eat, dont eat, eat. It was like I was stuck on a permanent see-saw. I despised it, loathed it, cursed it, but it never went away. I knew that no matter what I did these feelings would be there tomorrow morning. Being thin was so important to me, and I had worked too hard and too long to be in the shape that I was in. I was not going to let some stupid worries stand in my way of having the perfect body. I closed the refrigerator door and left the kitchen. On the way back to my bedroom I passed in front of our widescreen television set in the living room. I caught a glimpse of my reflection on the glass screen and was immediately frightened. IsShow MoreRelatedThe Pressure of Reducing Weight on Athletes3847 Words  | 15 Pagesfemale adolescent dancers run eight times the risk of developing eating disorders compared to their non-dieting peers. Ballet is also an activity that is low in energy expenditure, and Cohen et al. (1982) reported that while age-matched swimmers or skaters might expend 500 calories in a similar length session, a dancer would only expend 200 calories. However, the important factor may not be dieting per se, but rather the situation in which the performer is told to lose weight, the words used and whetherRead MoreThe Globalization Of Eating Disorders1623 Words  | 7 Pagesspecific appeal is in a large part with very personal and relatable dialogue, about the sufferings of young adults that are affected by these issues. The author goes as far as to begin the writing, telling the story of a young girl â€Å"never fat to begin with, she’s been on a diet for a couple of weeks and has finally reached her goal weight of 115 at 5 to 4 inches†¦ but in her eyes she still looks dumpy†(639). The author goes on to make a point to this narrative, but just the thought of this girl’s unhappyRead MoreEating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa1653 Words  | 7 PagesPsychiatric Publishing of diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa, often times have an early-onset which primari ly affects adolescent girls and young women, is characterized by distorted body image and excessive dieting that leads to severe weight loss with a pathological fear of becoming fat†(APA). Anorexia is a condition more common amongst younger patients that causes a disruption in the normal growth process, because they fail to achieve ideal weight and heightRead MoreEating Disorders and Free Essays8687 Words  | 35 Pagesschool on that day, and I felt as if I had some terrible disease. People were avoiding me, ignoring me, and this had never happened before. I was always Miss Popularity all throughout school and I constantly had someone around me.... [tags: Personal Narrative Writing] 2109 words (6 pages) $24.95 [preview] My Eating Disorder - I Had a Problem with Food - My Eating Disorder - I Had a Problem with Food Everyone wanted to see me get fat, I was sure of it. For once in my life I had some semblanceRead MoreEssay about Gendered Media9688 Words  | 39 Pagesor expand markets for their products. Media images of women as sex objects, devoted homemakers, and mothers buttress the very roles in which the majority of consuming takes place. To live up to these images, women have to buy cosmetics and other personal care products, diet aids, food, household cleaners, utensils and appliances, clothes and toys for children, and so on. In short, it is in advertisers’ interests to support programming and copy that feature women in traditional roles. In a recent
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Characteristics Of Civilization - 938 Words
Civilization to me is what makes up our lives. As humans we are part of different civilizations, but these civilizations are made up of specific cultures and societies. The actual book definition of a civilization would be, â€Å"networks of cities that emerge from pre-urban cultures and are defined by the economic, military, diplomatic, social and cultural interactions among them.†Over the course of the past couple weeks, I have had the chance to listen in on a podcast actually provided by Stanford University. This podcast is being made while a professor is teaching a class covering the geography of world cultures. I believe that geography has a lot to do with civilization, not only because location in this world plays a role in our lives,†¦show more content†¦The podcast itself talks about how people continue to join together. But also talks about how people are equally as divided and why they are divided. In the world we live in, people are divided by languages, c ultures, ethnicities, and religions. Language barriers are more common than we think, for example we encounter on a daily basis here in the very Hispanic state of Texas that many people only speak Spanish. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for these people to communicate with only those who speak English, but because we do live in Texas, it is common that a first language be Spanish. Religion is essential in many people’s lives, so it is another major factor when we talk about our world being divided. Civilization and culture play a huge role in religion itself. People’s faith and culture work hand in hand to shape their culture of society and religious practices. In order for us to better understand the different types of civilization, we must explore the various types of culture and societies. The podcast was extremely map intensive. It used maps to explore how places vary from each other, and show the diversity of our world. It also touched base and examined the processes of contemporary transformation. An issue with this podcast is that the maps sometimes would not show up, so if the professor was speaking on a geographicShow MoreRelatedCharacteristics Of Ancient Civilizations1959 Words  | 8 Pages Were ancient cultures actually considered civilizations? Four of the most important ancient civilizations were Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient China. In order to be considered a civilization a culture must have seven different characteristics. These seven characteristics of a civilization are writing system, social classes, organized government, public works, arts and architecture, job specialization, and complex religions. Mesopotamia was a region in the fertile crescentRead MoreCharacteristics Of Ancient Civilizations1752 Words  | 8 PagesThe distinct characteristics of Ancient civilizations laid the foundation for future civilizations. Early civilizations developed distinct characteristics such as complex government, social, and economic structures. They also had distinct religion and major innovations. Some of the Ancient civilizations with distinct characteristics are Sumer, Babylon, Ancient Egypt and Israel. These civilizations existed between the time periods of about 3300 B.C. and about 332 B.C. Sumer was the worlds first civilizationRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Mayan Civilization814 Words  | 4 PagesMayan Civilization There were many incredible civilizations in mesoamerica including the Incas, Aztecs, and the Mayas. They all had many strengths and weaknesses but the strongest among them were the Mayans. The Mayans were a very advanced civilization who survived for many, many years. The Mayans were very advanced in astronomy. They could map out the stars, the planets, the sun, and the moon. They knew so much about astronomy that they built all of their buildings in perfect alignment with compassRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Mayan Civilizations733 Words  | 3 Pages There are many different types of civilizations. Three major ones are the Aztec, Maya, and Inca . These different civilizations play a very important role in history today. The Maya empire was highly skilled at building and architecture. They also were the only empire in mesoamerica to develop a complete writing system. The Maya were also highly skilled at agriculture and farming. The Maya were by far the most advanced and smart civilization. The Maya empire was very precise and exact when itRead MoreCharacteristics Of The Early Civilizations Of Mesopotamia1042 Words  | 5 PagesThe characteristics shown in the early civilizations of Mesopotamia are still evident in today’s world because without these basic standards set by the people of Mesopotamia, civilization could never have grown or had a reference point for the basic building blocks of society. Mesopotamia was able to grow through the development of technology, trade, stable political and military systems, and a class system that contributed to society . Mesopotamia’s way of life influenced many other civilizationsRead MoreSix Characteristics Of Civilization Essay865 Words  | 4 PagesThe six characteristics of a civilization are specialization in occupation, government, class structure, development of science and writing, state religion, merchants, and trade. Specialization in occupation was developed due to the increase in food produ ction. With the help of agriculture, people are less likely to hunt for food. Which gave them time to focus more on art, poetry, and music.As the civilization develop and became complex, they needed specialization. Such as tax collectorsRead MoreThe Common Characteristics Of Early Civilizations865 Words  | 4 Pagesdrew up a list of traits of to what he considered to be the common characteristics of early civilizations. According to Fagan Scarre, a recent archaeologist Charles Redman divided Childe’s list into primary and secondary characteristics. The primary characteristics included cities and states, together with full-time specialization of labor, concentration of surplus, and a class-structured society. For the secondary, the characteristics included symptoms or by-products of these major economic and organizationalRead MoreDefining Characteristics From Western Civilization946 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Characteristics from Western Civilization by 44 B.C.E Where would the world be if it wasn’t for Western Civilization? Our advances in education and technology would definitely be lacking and the different types of governments could possibly be nonexistent. Business would not be accomplished in the same manner and philosophies would not be taught in everyday life. Humans would not be critical thinkers. Because of Democracy, the invention of writing, and philosophy from Western Civilization, theRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Ancient Egypt As A Civilized Civilization777 Words  | 4 PagesAncient Egypt Ancient Egypt was a organized civilization because of the important civilization indicators they had- the seven indicators. Government is apart of the seven indicators. Government helped Ancient Egypt be well organized. The government had officials and government workers working there. Some jobs of the government was the pharaoh, the vizier, nomarks, army commander, chief treasurer, and the minister of public buildings.The more important jobs were the pharaoh, the vizier, and theRead MoreCharacteristics Of Understanding The Culture And Society Of Any Civilization2500 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.†--Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture is an important aspect of understanding the culture and society of any civilisation. Today I will be looking what similarities and differences can be seen between the Minoan architecture from 1900BC to 1150BC and the Roman architecture from 27BC to 180AD. I’ll be mainly focusing on the palaces of Knossos and Phaistos of Minoan, Crete and The Colosseum ad
Friday, May 15, 2020
Silver Lining Playbook Is A Romantic Comedy Drama That
Silver Lining Playbook is a romantic comedy drama that debuted in 2012 and was directed by David O.Russell. The movie follows the life of two main characters, Patrick Solitano Jr, a Caucasian male and Tiffany Maxwell, a Caucasian woman, who both struggle with psychological disorders. The film begins with the release of Patrick and his friend Danny McDaniel’s, an African American male who happens to be in a legal dispute with the clinic on whether or not he is eligible to leave, from a mental hospital. Danny only has a small part in the movie but he is seen time to time in some scenes. After the two are picked up by Patrick’s mother, she is later notified that Danny is not authorized to leave and ends up bringing him back before†¦show more content†¦One example is when he wakes his parents up at four in the morning to express his thoughts on Ernest Hemingway. Another example is when he is waiting in the waiting room to meet with his therapist. His manic episode is triggered due to the playing of his wedding song on the speaker, which is a reminder of his wife’s cheating. In Patrick’s therapy session, which he hates to attend, his therapists try’s his best to inform him that he needs to take his medication in order for his mood swings and â€Å"weird†thinking, which is caused by stress, to stop. He warns Patrick that if he doesn’t take his medication to control his emotions, he will end up going right back to the mental hospital. People who have this disorder are usually giving medication such as antidepressant, mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics etc. Patrick is on three medications which are lithium, seroquel and abilify, but due to the side effects these medications tend to have such as weight gain, fatigue/drowsiness, and blurred visions, Patrick refuses to take the medications due to how they make him feel (National Institute of Mental Health). Instead he decides that he is going to look for a silver lining within every situation and have a more optimistic view on life. As the film continues, Patrick is invited to dinner by an old friend and his wife. Before dinner begins Patrick is notified that an unexpected guess, Tiffany Maxwell, will beShow MoreRelatedSilver Linings Playbook, An American Romantic Comedy Drama Film Directed By David O. Russell1662 Words  | 7 Pages Silver Linings Playbook is an American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by David O. Russell In 2012.The film stars Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence as the two main characters. The film received several major critical successes and earned numerous awards. It was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay. It also achieved four Golden Globe Award nominations, with Lawrence winning Best Actress, and three BAFTA nominationsRead MoreSilver Linings Playbook Analysis Essay example2066 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿Sarah Carpenter Professor Herzog Final Paper Silver Linings Playbook Silver Linings Playbook The narrative of Silver Linings Playbook is formed in the heart of Philadelphia around a middle class family at it’s breaking point. Pat’s, the protagonist, family has very much shaped his current situation; he has clinical bipolar disorder and struggles with stress-induced manic outbursts. After Pat’s release from a mandated rehabilitation center, he handles the next recuperating stage of his lifeRead MoreAnalysis Of Silver Linings Playbook1090 Words  | 5 Pages The 2012 movie â€Å"Silver Linings Playbook†is a drama-romantic comedy written and directed by David O. Russell and among others, stars Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, and Robert De Niro. The film received eight academy award nominations, was nominated in all four Oscar categories, and does a fairly accurate job of portraying an individual with a bipolar disorder, who was just released into the care of his parents, and his segue back into his family and social life after eight months of clinical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Since Its Beginning, Women’S Reproduction Has Been A...
Since its beginning, women’s reproduction has been a controversial and debated topic in the United States. Views on sexuality and gender, civil rights movements, and religious views have all had an effect on the control of women’s reproduction. While historical events have had some effect on current debates, some events have been overlooked or ignored by those involved in disputes involving reproductive rights. One of these time periods that is often not discussed is the colonial period. In the 1700s, abortion was actually quite common during the first trimester. During this time period, a lack of menstruation was not necessarily seen to be a sign of pregnancy. The medical theory Humorism was prevalent during this era, and a woman’s lack†¦show more content†¦Society during this time did not view women as in control of their sexuality. Women were seen as passionate, irrational beings, so premarital sex by women was seen as a sin, but men were generally h eld responsible. Men often faced pressure from the church, courts and their family until they would agree to marry the woman. In current debates, religion, particularly christianity, is often used as a justification for the â€Å"pro life†view on abortion. It is interesting that in the 1700s, in which the church was arguably more involved in the government and was generally more conservative than it is now, that abortion was not condemned. It is also surprising that in our modern era in which church is not technically supposed to be involved in government matters that religious rhetoric is used so often to justify the view that abortion and contraception should not be available to women. As the eighteenth century transitioned into the nineteenth century, views on reproduction and sexuality changed. The way that women and men were viewed and treated in instances of unwanted pregnancy and premarital sex began to shift. The views of the church, government, and medical world also began to shift. This is when an opposition to abortion and contraception which is felt in today’s political climate truly began to develop. During the late eighteenth into the nineteenth century, views on contraception and abortion began to change. There was the rise of a double standard betweenShow MoreRelatedCovering Information During the Civil Rights Movement1816 Words  | 7 Pagessuited for civil rights is written by Kenji Yoshino who defines covering as having to play down your outsider identity in order to blend into the mainstream. To me the biggest one it relates to is homosexuality and gender identity. Although there has been a tremendous amount of progress over the years with giving the LGBT community the same rights as straight people they still are not considered equal in the eyes of the law and some people. For 17 years homosexuals were not allowed to openly serveRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life And Pro Choice983 Words  | 4 PagesAbortion has been a heated debate in the United States for decades. Since before the ruling on Roe v. Wade, it is clear that this is an issue that is far from ever being dec ided upon. Between those who are pro-life and those who are pro-choice, scholars from both sides work on disproving the morality of the other side. With the evolution of abortion laws and regulation through the decades, it is difficult to imagine the United States without conflict pertaining to abortion. Despite pro-life and pro-choiceRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?1490 Words  | 6 Pages One of the most controversial debates nowadays is whether abortion should be legalized or not. Having used abortion procedures since 1550 BC, which had been accepted in ancient Rome and Greece without any critics regarding to morality, ethicality or religiosity. It has become a main point of public discussion and one of most banned acts in the last century. In the beginning of the 19th century, this technique was advertised as a legal practice in United States. However, in the early 20th an increaseRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : A Social Issue1371 Words  | 6 PagesTeen pregnancy is a ver y controversial social issue and the vast majority of Americans consider the outrageous rate of teen pregnancies a severe issue, certainly a problematic occurrence that is believed to be a moral decline in our country. Teenagers are physiologically capable of reproducing but not emotionally or financially prepared to be parents at such a tender age. Through various research studies a plethora of determinants has pin pointed teens unprecedented pregnancies. One cause of thisRead MoreEssay on Technology Assisted Reproduction3294 Words  | 14 PagesTechnology Assisted Reproduction Introduction Reproduction is fundamental for the perpetuation of a species and therefore is a trait all species possess. Human reproduction is usually not viewed in this context. Extinction of humans is not considered a threat, but the ability to reproduce is an issue of meeting social expectations. Psychologist Dr. Helen Fisher states that society tends to pressure women into feeling that motherhood is their sole connection to being female (Rutter, 1996)Read MoreRole of Ministry of Health in Malaysia6759 Words  | 28 PagesHealth, anybody can make the claim that their product is the best for health; anybody can set up a hospital. Nobody to regulate the quality of the workforce involved the quality of healthcare, and the quality of equipment. So the Ministry of Health has a big role as a regulator and policy maker. The Ministry of Health, being the lead agency in health provides leadership on matters relating to health and also sets the direction for health care development in the country. During the Ninth MalaysiaRead MoreWhen does Personhood Begin and Where do we Draw the Line?1403 Words  | 6 Pages When does Personhood Begin and Where do we Draw the Line? After coming to the United States, the first controversial issue that caught my attention was personhood and abortion. Most of the people that I had conversations with were concerned about this issue and were against the personhood legislation in Oklahoma which prohibits abortion and birth control. Mostly the women viewed the whole issue as an infringement upon their rights. Likewise, the men were concerned about the rights of their lovedRead MoreGender Equality And Gender Inequality2137 Words  | 9 Pagesalways been seen as the subordinate gender. Considered weaker, more emotional, and less intelligent or capable than their male counterparts, women have been trying for decades to overcome adversity and get to a point where they can be taken seriously in a patriarchal world. Though progress has been made, there is still a long way to go until true gender equality is established. In America today, women are still predominantly seen in professions that have been traditionally considered â€Å"women’s work†Read MoreMoral And Legal Implications Of Abortion2159 Words  | 9 Pagesat life? With ceaseless controversy over abortion, it is crucial to take into account both the moral and legal implications. A unborn child’s personhood has a considerable effect on the views of the morality of abortion. Legally, it is critical to consider parental rights and regulations placed on abortion. This contentious debate has been involved in the United State’s history for quite some time. Abortion was practiced until 1880, when it was banned except to save a mother’s life. This legislationRead MorePro Choice And Women s Rights Essay3415 Words  | 14 Pagesconcerning Pro-Choice and Women’s Rights are, un-argumentatively, intertwined, due to its complexity and strong position of defending what is perceived as a basic human right, the right of women to have a choice to reproductive health. Unfortunately, governmental action is delayed and avoids incorporating into policy, the right to reproductive care as a preventive and medical necessity that needs to be covered by health insurances. Pro-Choice legislation is controversial and has divided America into
Magistrates of Morality How the Euthyphro Dilemma...
Throughout human history, the topic of theology has been a central aspect of everyday life. A common denominator of all modern-day religions is that they provide a set of rules which one is to follow in order to live as a good, moral being. When a deity (or a group of deities) commands followers to abide by specific moral standards though a vehicle such as prophets, religious texts or otherwise, this is called Divine Command Theory (DCT). Those who accept this theory believe that moral action coincides with what has been ordered by the deities, and immoral action would occur when one deviates from these orders. Despite this theory remaining relevant into the twenty-first century, it has still yet to solve one age-old dilemma. The Euthyphro†¦show more content†¦In layman’s terms, this passage, which has come to be known as the Euthyphro Argument, can be interpreted as asking, â€Å"is an action right because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right?†(Week 9, Lecture 1, Slide 10). For the purposes of this essay, I will refer to the first half of this simplified query as proposition A, and the second as proposition B. The Euthyphro Argument is mystifying because there is no simple answer. It must be that either an action is good because the gods command it, or that they command an action because it is good. The answer has to be one or the other, not both nor neither. As you will see throughout this essay, coming to a precise conclusion on which horn holds true is not feasible. However, this quandary has posed catastrophic problems for all subscribers to DCT, and has opened the door to deep philosophical inquiry on the matter. To begin this examination into the strength of the Euthyphro Argument, let us first ponder the best objection a Divine Command theorist could make to proposition A. Proposition A asks if an action is right because God commands it. A Divine Command theorist would argue that moral actions are in deed divinely established, so an action can only be considered moral if it adheres to the commandments of the deities. They would also note that an action which strays from
Help Remember The 1980 free essay sample
# 8217 ; s Essay, Research Paper You # 8217 ; re an # 8217 ; 80s kid if # 8230 ; 1 ) Snap watchbands were ever acquiring you in problem at school. 2 ) You played with My Small Ponies . 3 ) Friendship watchbands were ties that couldn # 8217 ; t be broken. 4 ) You? ve of all time read Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Babysitters Club, or Sweet Valley High. 5 ) You know all the words to Ice Ice Baby . 6 ) You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween. 7 ) You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members. 8 ) You wanted to be on Star Search. 9 ) You can retrieve what Michael Jackson looked like before he had Plastic surgery. 10 ) Heaven forbid you wore one of those T-shirt rings or a scrunchi on one side of your shirt during your young person. 11 ) You were titling with your Gallic rolled bloomerss. 12 ) You wore multiple braces of socks in the center of the summer merely so you could Be hip 13 ) You had puff painted your ain shirt at least one time. We will write a custom essay sample on Help Remember The 1980 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 14 ) You owned a doll with # 8216 ; Xavier Roberts # 8217 ; signed on its butt. Cabbage Patch Kids! 15 ) You knew what Willis was talkin # 8217 ; # 8217 ; turn. 16 ) You know the profound significance of Wax on, Wax off 17 ) You were upset when She-ra, Princess of Power, and He-Man cancelled. 18 ) But the commercials in between were for Barbie and the Rockers and you knew all the words to all their vocals. 19 ) You can retrieve watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for endless hours, back when they were new episodes. 20 ) You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock. 21 ) You hold a particular topographic point in your bosom for Back to the Future. 22 ) You know where to travel if you wan na travel where everybody knows your name. 23 ) You wanted to be a Goonie. ( Goonies neer say dice. ) Yes! 24 ) You remember Madonna in her cone phase. 25 ) You knew The Artist when he was meekly called Prince. 26 ) You even wore fluorescent-neon vesture # 8230 ; 27 ) You could interrupt dance, or wished you could. 28 ) You remember when ATARI was a province of the art picture game system. 29 ) You remember M.C. Hammer. 30 ) You can still sing the blame to Fresh Prince of Bel Air . 31 ) You own any cassettes. 32 ) You owned a brace of LA Gear, Keds, or Converse tennis places. 33 ) You carried your tiffin to school in a Gremlin or an ET lunchbox. 34 ) You have of all time pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female Smurf. 35 ) My Small Pony, Gummy Bears, Transformers, You can # 8217 ; t do that on Television, Nozzles, KIDS Incorporated, Captain Kangroo, Double Dare, Salute Your Short pantss, Seventeen, Rainbow Brite and Hey Dude are familiar to you. *AND I WOULD LIKE TO ADD PUNKIE BREWSTER* 36 ) You of all time had a Swatch Watch or a Doonie and Burke 37 ) You really spent infinite hours seeking to hone the Care Bear stare . 38 ) You had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos. 39 ) You thought that Transformers were more than meets the oculus. 40 ) You exhausted hours in the cellar edifice and re-building Lego metropoliss. 41 ) Do Polly Pockets or Popples pealing a bell 42 ) Big wheels and bikes with streamers were the manner to travel. 43 ) With your drama school record participant you sang back up to Debbie Gibson. 44 ) Party like it # 8217 ; s 1999 seemed SO far off! 45 ) You stayed up all dark listening to Teddy Rupskin 46 ) Can we state Trapper Keeper? 47 ) Volition was non merely a bad computing machine animated rip off
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case Study of John-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Identify two actual Nursing Diagnoses and one Potential Nursing Diagnosis relevant to Marya's Condition. Answer: Nursing Diagnosis: Acute pain Related to: It is related to post left hip replacement. John is complaining of pain and is reluctant to move out of bed, despite being encouraged by doctors and nurses. He also has arthritis on right hip and knee, which is impairing his ability to mobilise. He requires assistance with bathing. Desired outcome: To achieve and improve the state of the patient to improve comfort in the postoperative stage. Ongoing Assessment: Assessing the patient heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rates. Assessing the John location of the colon surgical site, ensuring frequency , duration and intensity of the pain. Rationales: They provide baseline information. pain may cause increase in heat rate, changes in blood pressure and respiratory changes. They occur due to changes in associated with nervous system. Pain at this stage of Jones surgery, is excepted due to the manipulation of the tissues in the operative position (Koaier et al, 2015). Persistent pain may indicate may indicate complication in the surgical site. Hence providing appropriate pain management will enable John to rest and be able to effectively perform functions such as normal breathing, coughing and ambulation (Petrella, Decaria and Petrella, 2011). Therapeutic intervention : Use of PCA (Patient Care Assistant)- This allows patients to control their own drug medication by simply pressing the pump on the button, which guides small drug, (Levett-Jones, Tracy Phelain, 2013, pp. 181-190). Use of non pharmacological treatment measures- It is aimed at reducing the pain and its sensation. It enhances maximising the patient ability to tolerate the procedure side effects. Main use for patients with mild pain and can be used as a therapy regime in the postoperative stage exist as least toxic drug for pain management in cancer management., (Levett-Jones, Tracy Phelain, 2013, pp. 181-190). Managing pain through the use of analgesic drugs management - Encouraging and assisting the patient for deep breathing exercise with a minimum of 10 times every hour. Effective pain control management allows for deeper breathing patterns and coughing. Patients using patient controlled analgesia require reminders to push the action in the postoperative process until they fully recover. The deep breathing exercise allows for keeping the alveoli from collapsing and promoting return to full consciousness (Doenges, Moorhouse Murr 2013, pp. 243-244). In the post operative care, the needs of the patient should be prioritized with most care (Petrella, Decaria and Petrella, 2011). Due to greater risks of pain, infection, ineffective breathing, deep vein thrombosis and impaired wound healing, there is need to offer close family members who are providing care for patient John. Thus, there is need for consideration of various nursing care plans which will be of help in the recovery phase of the patient References Kozier, B, Erb, GL, Berman, A, et al., 2015, Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing [3rd Australian edition]. Pearson Australia, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Doenges, ME, Moorhouse, MF Murr, AC 2013, Nurse's pocket guide: diagnoses, prioritized interventions, and rationales, 13th edn, FA Davis, Philadelphia, USA. Levett-Jones, T and Fagan, A 2015, chapter 13 in Diagnosing, in A Berman, et al (eds), Kozier and Erb's fundamentals of nursing, vol. 1, Frenchs Forest, Pearson, pp. 180-290. Petrella RJ, Decaria J and Petrella MJ. 2011,Long term efficacy and safety of a combined low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.Rheumatology Reports. 3(1):1621
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