Friday, December 27, 2019
Motherly Love in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club Essay - 1517 Words
Motherly Love in Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club A mother’s love for a daughter is an intense feeling; some times it can be very joyful or very painful. Most mothers just want their daughters to have everything that they didn’t have, they try to give their daughter all their hopes and dreams. The relationship between a mother and daughter should be one of the greatest relationships a woman can have with another woman. Some time a mother can push a daughter to hard, some mother don’t mean to make their daughter feel bad or to make them up-set, the mothers just want the daughter to have better then what they had. A mother gives her daughter advice about everything in life. â€Å"A Mother’s Advice to her Daughter.†â€Å"Be strong. Be†¦show more content†¦In The Joy Luck Club all the mothers are giving their daughters advice about how some things such and such not be in their lives. Anything for how they such act to marriage. All the daughters had similar problems with their mothers, either they could not talk to them about their problems or the mother give to much advice about their lives. Suyuan had it very hard when she had to leave hear twin babies behind, she left so they would not see her die. When Suyuan came to America and had another daughter she give all her hopes to Jing-mei, that she would be the best in what ever she dose. After the crab dinner celebrating Chinese New Year, when Waverly and Jing-mei had a disagreement about some work that Jing-mei has done. It since that Suyuan was agreeing that Waverly was right. The case was that she was saying that Waverly takes the most crab and that Jing-mei takes the worst crab. Which she was saying that Jing-mei has the best quality. Suyuan gave Jing-mei a necklace, Suyuan said â€Å"For a long time, I wanted to give you this necklace. See I wore this on my skin, so when you put it on your skin, they you know my meaning. This is your life’s importance.†Jing-mei was best at heart and wanted to be the best for her mother, but felt that she was a disappointment to her mother. She was not a disapp ointment to her, Suyuan told her that a few months before she die. An-mei was raised the Chinese way: â€Å"I was taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people’sShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club1127 Words  | 5 Pages etc. Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club brings to light the imperfections of family dynamics. This imperfect relationship focuses on the struggles between mothers and daughters. The broken relationships invite readers to question their own relationships, but also see how they relate to the relationships of The Joy Luck Club. Tan uses animate and inanimate objects to express the love and hate in one’s relationship, even if it’s through wobbly furniture, a jade pendant, or a chess piece. Amy Tan utilizesRead More Comparing Tradition and Change in Amy Tans The Kitchen Gods Wife and The Joy Luck Club3168 Words  | 13 PagesTradition and Change in The Kitchen Gods Wife and The Joy Luck Club             Throughout the novels The Kitchen Gods Wife and The Joy Luck Club, author Amy Tan conveys the message of tradition and change. Each novel contains sections about mothers talking and relating their stories to their daughters. The daughters in The Joy Luck Club hear stories about loss and happiness, and joy and hate. Each of the four mothers tell these stories to their daughters as lessons, or offerings for theirRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club, The Bonesetter s Daughter, And The Kitchen God s Wife3745 Words  | 15 Pagesnovels, The Joy Luck Club, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, and The Kitchen God’s Wife, Amy Tan creates the broken relationships of immigrant mothers and their â€Å"Americanized†daughters who struggle in social barriers they both face as they live in the new setting. Amy Tan analyzes mother-daughter relationships between character’s lovers and friends and how they develop over a course of unexpected events. Throughout The Joy Luck Club, The Bonesetter’s Daughter and The Kitchen God’s Wife, Amy Tan places
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Types Of Honor By Marguerite De Navarre - 1556 Words
Honor is a concept that has a great deal to do with entitlement and based on the actions or qualities of a person. There are three main types of honor that society recognizes; family, men, and women and in The Heptameron, Marguerite de Navarre portrays each of the three types of honor throughout her stories. Published in the 1500s, the series of short stories portrays the values and beliefs of that period of time. However, there are often a number of complications that follow honor that lie with classified and understandably honorable deeds or traits, and who is it that determines this. Another issue that one may find is that it is also complicated to be able to view one form of morality in the presence of another due to certain views clashing with one another. In addition to this, Marguerite de Navarre’s stories are written around the themes of love, lust, and adultery, in addition to honor. Each of these has a significant role in portraying the integrity of men, women and fa mily. The Heptameron’s twelfth story has each of the three types of honor present throughout it, and show how they either compliment or conflict with one another. Through the character of the Duke of Medici, the Duke’s â€Å"other half†, and the sister of this man, the reader is able to recognize the instances in which honor is evident. It is common for the concepts of both manliness and honor to go hand in hand with one another. This nobility is defined by what they believe is entitled to them. The maleShow MoreRelatedThe Truth Behind Honor By Marguerite De Navarre1557 Words  | 7 PagesThe Truth Behind Honor Honor is a concept that has a great deal to do with entitlement and based on the actions or qualities of a person. There are three main types of honor that society recognizes; family, men, and women and in The Heptameron, Marguerite de Navarre portrays each of the three types of honor throughout her stories. However, there are often a number of complications that follow honor that lie with classified and understandably honorable deeds or traits, and who is it that determinesRead MoreThe Historical Developments That Truly Defines The Renaissance As Rebirth1443 Words  | 6 Pageshis religion. The became one of the Renaissance more important largely read books and educated to leave an abiding autograph. It is one of the demanding analysis books. It is a perfect illustration of the admirable argument between men and women of honor. It instant the pictures of an ideal court, outlining the virtues of an ideal prince. The first book that defined the stereotypes that men were stronger than women. Q.4 A) There is more than the difference between the Middle Ages Medieval musicRead MoreThe Historical Development That Truly Define The Renaissance As Rebirth1441 Words  | 6 Pagesfor his religion. The became one of the Renaissance most important largely read books and educated to leave an abiding autograph. It is one of the demanding analysis book. It is a perfect illustration of admirable argument between men and women of honor. It instant the pictures of an ideal court, outlining the virtures of an ideal prince. The first book that defined the stereotypes that men were stronger than women. Q.4 A) There is more than difference between the Middle Ages Medieval music and the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cultural Communication and Intercultural Contact
Question: Discuss about the Cultural Communication and Intercultural Contact. Answer: Introduction: A global citizen is someone who is a part of the emerging community and contributes to building the values and practices of that community (Edwards Gaventa, 2014). I contribute to the globalized society by taking added responsibility apart from preserving my own traditional identities in terms of ethnicity; political beliefs and loyalties to my country. In order to contribute to the globalized society I try to understand the classmates of different country and show understanding of their culture. I contribute to the globalized society by accepting the differences among the people who are different from me. I also cooperate with friends from different background and as a global citizen I never discriminate among them. In future, I am interested to interact with people from different community in order to know their values and practices. I would like to take part in advocating the society regarding the equal human rights; gender equality. By proving transformative education to the children, I can bring the global values to their life that will help them to become global citizens. Technological change or political regulation alone cannot create global citizens. Thus, I am interested to contribute to a globalised society through providing education to solve global challenges. It is important to have one global language in which people should able to communicate with other person in the growing globalized society. Major newspaper, magazines, television shows find English as a theme of globalization. Politicians all over the world speak in English; advertisement; symbols and so on, are represented in English language. Therefore, this is a global language. However, it is surprizing to me that, not everyone speaks in English; neither English is official language of every nation. However, this language is spoken in many countries as their mother tongue like in, Britain; Australia; US; Canada; Australia; New Zealand; United States; South Africa and in Caribbean countries. No other language is ever spoken as mother tongue in other countries (Pennycook, 2014). Therefore, English has got a global status. In countries like India; Singapore; Nigeria; Ghana; Vanuatu and so on, English is official language. This status is hard to achieve by other languages like Spanis h; German; French and so on. English has familiarity with other foreign languages, as its vocabulary is made up of various other words from other languages. This gives it a cosmopolitan feature and an advantage for becoming a global language. Hence, according to me, it is not surprising that this language has become global medium of communication, considering its features. According to me, the campus at La Trobe University reflects a place of extensive intercultural mixing. Like many other universities in Australia, there are huge number of international students in this university. They are from different country with different culture and social values. In this university, there is no separated group according to ethnical homogeneity. Student from different background has created cross-cultural mixing. At La Trobe University, the intercultural learning is often embraced. According to me, the Australian students are less likely to mix across the cultures while the international students are more open to diversity. They do not form any social group based on their nationality or ethnicity, rather they interact with other international students as well as domestic students. I see this campus as a place for extensive intercultural mixing because, domestic students of this university cooperate with the international students and international students take initiatives to communicate with them. It is often seen that, students with different background roam together after the class hours. This indicates that, there is extensive mixing of different culture in La Trobe University. This is true that students try to develop their spoken English at the same time they are studying in Australia. There is hardly any employer in Australia who speak in language other than English. I, personally, did not have any kind of experience in La Trobe that hindered opportunity to improve my spoken English. In Australia, there are significant scopes of mastering the skill of English speaking. The employment opportunity also provides opportunity to gain valuable international connections. There are many companies who look for part-time workers and help to gain exposure for further career development. In this country, there are wide range of industries, where the workers have plenty of options for communicating in English. This helps to improve the speaking skills of the international students. In retail shops; hospitality and tourism industries, the students are required to communicate frequently. They get chances to communicate with the customers, that will improve their ability to speak in English. By undertaking some demi-pair duties, the international student can improve their spoken English skill. This kind of part time jobs include child care; cleaning; laundry and so on. These jobs offer the students to get familiar with the use of language and with Australian culture as well. I have taken two interviews in the campus of La Trobe University. I focused on the topic intercultural communication. I asked the students about the challenges or opportunities for understanding the intercultural communication. I have identified some of the problems at La Trobe University that students face while communicating with people who belong to other culture. I have also discussed with the students regarding the problem of cultural stereotypes. It is also important to manage the differences among people and I think internal perception and values must be shaped while communicating with others. Culture is defined as way of thinking; set of attitudes; norms and values reinforced by the members of same cultural background. By culture, it is meant that appearance of people on the basis of national; political; economical context. It consists of unwritten principles to guide how a person should interact with the people outside his or her own community. People are united in terms of religion; ethnicity or race. Cultural understanding about the world affects the communication style. According to me, culture influences our behaviour and the words we speak. Intercultural communication establishes relationship between people from different cultural background. Acquisition of skills and human attribute enhance the intercultural communication. Intercultural communication enables us to negotiate; exchange and mediate cultural differences by means of language and gestures (Carbaugh, 2013). In theory of intercultural communication, it is defined as a skill to promote an appropriate attitude towards intercultural knowledge dissemination. It builds up awareness about the beliefs of others. By application of theoretical knowledge about others culture and cultural values, management can manage situation or a government can come up with appropriate policy for a mixed society. Intercultural communication is necessary to improve for avoiding the misunderstanding the conflicts between the social groups. This kind of communication develops trust and it enable us to cooperate with each other. However, miscommunication takes place in intercultural communication due to the fact that we often assume that our act will be universally accepted and any other behaviour is negatively viewed. Miscommunication mostly arises due to differences in languages. Moreover, I believe that body language; gestures etc. also helps to communicate and this differs across the culture. Cultural stereotypes include some pre-determined concept regarding some social practices. It leads to wrong expectations and notions, which may further lead to bias and discrimination (Neuliep, 2014). In order to avoid cultural misunderstandings, I believe that we should understand the real meaning instead of face value. I have found that in La Trobe university, students are not aware of the concept of global citizen. They are familiar with the phrase but do not exactly know the meaning. However, like me the others also claimed themselves to be a global citizen (Carter, 2013). This is because; they are also trying to understand the diversity of culture and difference among the races and religions. I have also found that some students do not consider themselves as global citizen as they think that their personality and behaviour should be changed in order to be a global citizen. These people believe that since world is not a single community, some change has to make for communicating with new community, as there is nothing common in them. The people at this university believes that culture is the tradition and customs of a particular society. They agreed on the fact that at this university there is multiple culture. Therefore, communication is affected by this, as people do not feel isolated and feel as strangers. There is social relation among the students of various background. Hence, I believe that multiple cultures in the university has led to better communication. The students are well aware of different culture and they communicate in a proper way. This has led to cooperation among student; social relation and academic success. I believe that it is good to cope with cultural challenges, as this might help to improve personality. This will have positive impact on students as they try to become best through their friends culture. Student must change or develop personality in order to deal in the global world. However, it is not possible for everyone to cope with new culture. This is one of the challenges that few students face. In such cases, students avoid such interaction to avoid conflict with others. According to me, personality can be changed by keeping the traditional values same. Hence, cultural views should not reflect in ones personality while communicating with people of other community. I have identified that cultural stereotype is big problem, where we have some pre-assumed positive or negative images about other groups. Students believe that social media often indicates cultural stereotypes. It generates misconception among the people. I also believe that family is also another source of cultural stereotypes. Some literatures; friend circle or subordinates are also responsible for cultural stereotypes. According to me, cultural misconceptions can be cleared out by communicating. Communication can change the perceptions and new aspect of a culture or society can be explored. By making friends from different background is the easiest solution to the culture stereotypes. It is not always to change ones traditional beliefs; values and perception. However, I believe that one can work on his or her personality without losing the basic attitudes. We should not affect our way of communication because of our internal perception. I have found that some people are reluctant to cooperate with each other. By showing mutual respect and showing interest to know each others culture, the differences can be managed. It is recommended that people should understand the differences among the cultures and should respect it in order to avoid any conflict. Even if certain reactions from individual from different background is not acceptable, one should not react. Therefore, it is beneficial to develop intercultural relationship among the students as well as among other people of society. The understanding of different cultures at La Trobe University will help the student to become a global citizen. By building social relationship with people from different background cul tural misconception will be eliminated and the world will become a more globalized one with peace and harmony. The intercultural communication plays major role in understanding the different culture and different values of the people. It helps to develop strong idea about the different community and removes misconceptions regarding different religion; race; ethnicity and so on. Therefore, by restructuring personality one can make communication easy even among with group of people with different background. According to me and some student it is not always possible to change own characteristics to cope with new culture. But with urge to learn new cultures or mutual respect to each other can develop a better society, where there is mix of many ethnicity; race; religion but a single global community. References Carbaugh, D. (2013). Cultural communication and intercultural contact. Routledge. Carter, A. (2013). The political theory of global citizenship. Routledge. Edwards, M., Gaventa, J. (2014). Global citizen action. Routledge. Neuliep, J. W. (2014). Intercultural communication: A contextual approach. Sage Publications. Pennycook, A. (2014). The cultural politics of English as an international language. Routledge.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Effect Of Violations Of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Conditions On T
The Effect of Violations of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Conditions on the Allele Frequency of Drosophila melanogaster Populations Introduction The interaction between genetic variation and natural selection is one of the most important concepts in modern biology. The product of this interaction, evolution, which is a change in a population's allele frequency, is responsible for the great complexity and diversity of life seen on earth today. Allele frequencies of a non-evolving population (one in which the allele frequencies are not changing) can be elegantly modeled using the Hardy-Weinberg theorem. For a population to be at equilibrium, five conditions must be met: 1) large population size, 2) random mating, 3) no mutation, 4) no migration, and 5) no natural selection. Violation of these conditions can produce a change in the allele frequencies of the population under study. Our purpose is to examine the effects of small population size and of natural selection. In this experiment, we will use populations of Drosophila melanogaster to model the Hardy-Weinberg theorem. Drosophila populations are ideal for modeling evolutionary dynamics for two reasons: they are inexpensive, to both buy and maintain, and, more important, have a brief reproductive cycle, allowing several generations to be studied in a short length of time. We will be working with two populations of Drosophila, designated A and B. Population A will be used to examine the effects of a small population (the founder effect). Natural selection will be studied using population B. We hypothesize that the violation of a single Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium condition present in each population will give rise to a specific change in allele frequency in that population. We hypothesize that the allele frequencies of the two A sub-populations will diverge over time, due to genetic drift magnified by sampling error in the A-Small population. We hypothesize that the frequency of the Cy allele will decrease in population B, due to natural selection. In order to test our hypotheses, we will be scoring Drosophila for several generations (F2, F3, and F4). We will then be able to calculate allele frequencies within the different populations. These frequencies will be compared to determine if the populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and if their alle le frequencies are changing. Materials and Methods For a complete listing of Materials and Methods (including the procedures for anesthetizing and identifying Drosophila), see the Biology 220W Lab Manuel. Population A is comprised of wild-type Drosophila and those marked with one of two mutant traits: eyeless (ey) or sparkling-polished (sp). Each mutation is indicative of a Drosophila that is homozygous for that allele. Heterozygous flies show the wild-type phenotype. The Drosophila in population A are first randomly divided in two groups: a small group, containing 10 flies, and a large group, containing all other flies from population A. Note that the population A-Small must contain at least 2 flies from each sex. The number of Drosophila of each phenotype is determined for both the A-Small and the A-Large. The second and third generations are also scored in this manner. Population B is comprised of the F2 generation of a cross between wild type and curly winged (Cy) Drosophila. All flies with the curly winged phenotype are assumed to be heterozygous, as the Cy mutation is homozygous lethal. The number of flies of each phenotype is determined; this is done for each of three generations. In both parts of the experiment, phenotype frequencies are used to determine allele frequencies. Allele frequencies are used to determine if the populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. They are also compared across generations to determine if they are changing. In both parts of the experiment, the independent variable is the small population size (i.e. the violation of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium) and the dependent variable is the change in allele frequencies. Results Table 1 presents all data for sub-populations A-Small and A-Large. It shows a total number of Wild-type flies in week 5 as 666. Table 2 presents the results of x2 tests performed to test for the existence of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium within the Drosophila populations. It shows most populations to be far out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. However, all Small sub-populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in week 1, at a 0.005 level of confidence. Table 3 shows the tests for shifts in phenotype (which is indicative
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