Saturday, August 31, 2019
Maroubra and Kogarah Essay
Maroubra and Kogarah are beautiful suburbs of Australia. Neither provinces are national capital nor commercial centres. However, each has prominent features. This report will compare and contrast the location, population, housing, sevices of these two provinces. Maroubra is a beach suburb nearby Sydney which is located 10 kilometers south-east of the central business dictrict while the residential suburb-Kogarah is slightly farther than Maroubra, about 14 kilometers. The population of these suburbs are extremely different, Maroubra has twice as much population as Kogarah. The population of Maroubra is 26.500 while Kogarah is 10.900. The propoution of the largest age group from 20 to 39 years old in Maroubra is 33 percent whereas this age group in Kogarah has only 31 percent. In the review, 53 percent of people in Maroubra were born in Autralia while in Kogarah were 47 percent. In Maroubra,47 percent of people come from many countries in the world. However, Kogarah has 53 percent of people from a lot of different countries. Housing in the two suburbs have both similarities and differences. Maroubra and Kogarah have over 42 percent of apartment. The median either house price or apartment price in Maroubra in higher than in Kogarah. The cost of a house in Maroubra is about 1.050,000 dollas while a house in Kogarah is about 650.000 dollas. An apartment’s price in Maroubra is about 575.000 dollas but one in Kogarah is just about 420.000 dollas. So there are 46 percent of apartment in Kogarah while this percent in Maroubra is only 42. There are a lot of discrepancies about services of both suburbs. In Maroubra, the number people driving to work account for about 55 percent whereas there are only about 45 percent. Basically, trains are widely used in Kogarah, it takes about 25 minutes to go to city. People in Maroubra do not travel by train. Instead, they go to the city by bus in about 50 minutes. Next point à about retail. Sightseers in Maroubra can enjoy shopping having coffee or food meal in some medium-sized shopping center,small shop and cafes on major road. But in Kogarah, most small shopping center, small shops is near train station. Beside, the major hospital of Maroubra is about 3 kilometers away from the center. Whereas the major hospital of Maroubra stay at the center. But both have many private clinics.
Accident Analysis Essay
In January 25, 1990, Avianca Flight 52, a Boeing 707 left Bogota, Colombia for New York. After more than an hour of delay, the plane ran out of fuel and crashed in the town of Cove Neck, Long Island, New York, killing 73 people, including 9 crew members and 65 of the 149 passengers, and injuring the rest. Analysis of this accident would show how human error, faulty systems and bad weather conditions caused this accident. The flight crew did not officially declare that they were running out of fuel until it was already too late. The accident could have been avoided if the flight crew has clearly stated that they were really in trouble. Language barrier could have played a part since the crew only asked for â€Å"priority†which in Spanish could mean that they were in trouble. The crew should have notified their fuel load to Air Traffic Control when they were put on hold for the first time. This simple information could have made the difference. ATC could have suggested earlier an alternate airport had they known this information. Instead, the pilots literally went around in circles waiting for further instructions. By the time the flight was cleared for landing, it only had enough fuel for one last approach. When the plane was on its final approach, it encountered wind shear, a change of wind direction over short distances. ATC only informed the flight crew of wind shear at 1500 feet. The crew had to abort their approach because they would fall short of the runway. The flight was doomed after that incident. Even if they were redirected to an alternate airport prior to the approach, they would not have enough fuel to make it to Boston. The question now is why the flight crew didn’t consult their flight dispatch about possible alternate airports which are not as busy as the John F. Kennedy International. The answer maybe the breaking of the sterile cockpit rule below 10,000 feet. The sterile cockpit rule below 10,000 feet states that pilots should not talk about things that are not necessary during crucial stages of the flight, which is usually below 10,000 feet. The pilots mind may have wandered off due to the long delay the Air Traffic Control has given them. In a sense, Air Traffic Control failed to prioritize air traffic in JFK international. Though Avianca flight 52 did not declare its fuel load problems earlier, it did say that it wanted priority. In like mentioned earlier, due to language barrier, â€Å"priority†may have been already a distress call. Air Traffic Control confirmed this request but what kind of priority is a seventy seven minute delay? Obviously, the failure of the flight crew and Air Traffic Control to communicate properly resulted to this horrible accident. This accident could have been avoided if the airline had their own operational control dispatch system that could have assisted them when Air Traffic Control has apparently ignored them. A standardized terminology in fuel related problems also contributed to the plane’s crash. If there was only a universal term to describe what the flight was actually experiencing, the language barrier between Air Traffic Control and the pilots would have been irrelevant. To sum up, the plane crash was a result of contributing factors, communication problems, probable mental lapse of the pilots, lack of proper terminology, and unfavorable winds. This accident proves that constant communication is important in air travel and a high level of concentration is required for the job. Pilots should be trained extensively before giving them their licences, including language training that ensures pilots can converse well in English. In this aspect, a standard language for aeronautical terms should be established. Though the wind shear caused further delay, the plane could have made another attempt if only it had not been idle for more than hour.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the author of One Hundred Years of Solitude, lived and experienced a religious Latin American life. These experiences played a vital function in the development of his characters, specifically Jose Arcadio Buendia. Jose Arcadio Buendia was the founder of the innocent city of Macondo where â€Å"the world was so recent that many things lacked names. †(p. 1) He was a strong coordinator and looked to as a leader.As Melquiades and the other gypsies passed through the village, Jose Arcadio Buendia’s attention was quickly captured. Fascinated by their magic and determined to learn more, he bartered the most valuable possessions of his family in exchange for their mystical tools. He would then spend his time trying to figure out how to use these tools and what they meant, unaware of the fact that his constant pursuit for knowledge would soon lead to his downfall.In the meantime, he became obsessed with trying to find civilization outside of Macondo, a t ask he had failed to do but his wife, Ursula, had simply completed months later. I believe Jose Arcadio Buendia’s desire to find other civilization is related to his obsession for knowledge and information for reasons beyond just the simple founding of people. The discovery of civilization will not only allow him to find more unknown information, but will also subconsciously allow him and his family to interact with more people.It is possible that this subconscious quest for social interaction is the actual cause of the introversion and solitary confinement that is evidently a characteristic of his family line. This unintentional corruption of his family is consistent with the significance of Jose Arcadio Buendia within the novel. The innocence of the rest of Macondo was also corrupted through Buendia’s obsession for facts and information.If he had not sought answers, the gypsies may have had no incentive to return to Macondo, Jose Arcadio would have never impregnated the gypsy girl or joined the gypsies as they left town, and Ursula would have never followed Jose Arcadio and returned with knowledge of the path through the swamp that led to other civilization. In fact, even if the gypsies continued to pass through the village and Ursula still found the path through the swamp, it was her husband’s obsession of finding other civilization that made mentioning of this path significant.Beyond this unfolding sequence of events, the search for truth corrupts human’s abilities to live in fantasy worlds without realizing the fantasy of it. Once truth is revealed, the world previous to that truth will be interpreted as an incorrect way of life. Thus, continuing the attempt to live that â€Å"incorrect†life after knowing the truth will now be interpreted as a fantasy. If truth had not been revealed, the village of Macondo could have lived in a fantasy world without interpreting it as a fantasy.In searching and revealing the truth, Jose Arcadio Buendia corrupted the imagination of the villagers with a correct answer for things. Soon things began to have specific names and people had correct ways of life. I find Macondo to be the Garden of Eden’s second chance. If the world of the novel were compared to the Holy Bible, then Jose Arcadio Buendia would symbolize Adam. His obsessions and constant search for knowledge is clearly analogous to Adam and Eve when they eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.The subsequent downfall of the Buendia family as well as the rest of Macondo is the same as Adam and Eve being outlawed from Eden and sentenced to live a mortal life. When Jose Arcadio Buendia is tied to a tree by the other villagers, it is a symbol for how Bible followers, such as Christians, are trying to separate themselves from Adam and Eve through redemption and reconciliation. Through the death of the Buendia line, Marquez may be trying to reveal the possibility that the line of Adam and Eve can als o be ended.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Real Life Bargaining & Negotiation Situation Research Paper
Real Life Bargaining & Negotiation Situation - Research Paper Example The cooks were only two, the waiters were two, and I was the only cashier. Employees, including me, were free only on Sunday when the business closed. We were also given a small amount of salary weekly. There was need for a negotiation that would ensure that the owner of the business was satisfied with the business profit while at the same time boosting the morale of employees with reduced workload and increased wages. The negotiation was faced by a lot of challenges. For instance, some employees were afraid of complaining or raising their concerns because they feared that they would lose their jobs. The employer was a strict person with a very serious personality. The economy was bad, and getting a job was difficult. Losing one’s job would therefore mean that things would become more difficult for the employees as they struggle to meet their daily needs. The employees also came from different backgrounds in terms of culture, social status and demography. Therefore, understanding each other in terms of ideas and items of negotiation was difficult. Despite this challenging environment, employees were compelled to approach the owner of the business for a negotiation for higher wages and reduced workload. The workload had caused significant level of stress among the employees and the wages barely met their daily needs. This would have a negative impact on the performance of staff and cause lower productivity and profitability. Therefore, the negotiation was not only necessary for the employees to meet their needs but also for the business to earn profits and grow. The people involved in the negotiation process were the employees, the business owner, regular customers, a few members and leaders of the community, and a member of the local government. I was one of the employees, and we were supported by some of the customers and members of the community who had noted how
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Concept Of Political Correctness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Concept Of Political Correctness - Essay Example After much struggle and various trials and errors, our society has made a conscious effort to end racial bigotry in all its forms. This has given rise to the concept of political correctness. We have only to look at television programming and content to realize how stereotyping is perpetuated and accepted. In most television shows, the man portrayed as gay usually always has a lisp, the rapper is black, and the Latino is an illegal immigrant. The reality is far from it. We have only to look at the media to prove the point; in this case, we look at media celebrities. Clay Aiken and Ricky Martin, both gay men, do not have a lisp; Eminem, one of the best rappers of America, is white; George Lopez is not an illegal immigrant, in fact, he is an American born Latino.The Native-Americans find their lot no better. We have teams named â€Å"Indians†and â€Å"Chiefs†which portray stereotypical Native-Americans hooked noses, and feathers, as their mascots and logos, said to hono r the Native-Americans. Never mind the racially motivated names of the teams, their mascots and logos are enough to prove that it is no homage to the Native Americans, but massive stereotyping at work. In our times, it is unacceptable that any group of people is discriminated against, yet by perpetuating the stereotypes and tolerating them, we end up being passive bigots, as we, passively, accept that certain groups of people either look or behave in a certain way when we do not object to the stereotypical portrayal of such people.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Mandatory Influenza Vaccinations for Health Care Workers Research Paper
Mandatory Influenza Vaccinations for Health Care Workers - Research Paper Example Finally, the paper has discussed national benefits of having Health Care workers immunized. The American Hospital Association (2011) points out that influenza is a dangerous contagious disease that spreads quickly from one person to another even before the appearance of its signs. The diseases cause annual deaths of an estimated population of 24,000 people and more than 150,000 hospital admissions. Hospitalized patients are more vulnerable to influenza because their system of immunity has already been weekend by the disease they are suffering from which has caused their admission. Health Care Workers vaccination is important for it prevents deaths and illnesses among patients as well as reducing their absenteeism when they infect each other with the disease. Since 1981, annual health care workers’ vaccination has been recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP). However, only half of the total number of Health Care Workers in the United States has adher ed to the rule. Protection of the well-being and health of patients and health workers is a worldwide matter of concern. Research in America has for the first few years shown that because of the health workers failure to undergo vaccination, health care workers unintentionally expose patients to seasonal influenza. American Hospital Associations Board of Trustees has imposed policies that require health care workers to undergo mandatory vaccination or put on masks while handling patients during seasons of influenza. The aim of this is to care and protect lives of patients (American Hospital Association, 2011). Data collected annually by Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. shows that more than two hundred thousand influenza patients are admitted in hospitals every year. Collected data also shows that a population of above 36,000 people dies of influenza annually. The other disease that puts people at risk of death in the U.S. is breast cancer. Even though the vaccin ation is about 70 to 90% effective in preventing influenza, it does not work with people aged above the age of 65 years and people with chronic health conditions preventing them from the vaccine (Rakita et al., 2010). Nowadays, many health care organizations and hospitals have embraced the policy of getting their employees, students, hospital contract workers, volunteers and affiliated medical staff vaccinated seasonally for the safety of the patients. Every employee is supposed to be immunized unless they have a religious or medical reason preventing them from the immunization. The rate of vaccination has gone above 90% due to application of the policies. Examples of organizations in which influenza vaccination in health care centers is a mandatory practice and a condition of employment include American Academy of Pediatrics, National Patient Safety Foundation and Association of Professionals in Infection Control (American Hospital Association). Prevention of the spread of influenz a between patients and health care personnel minimizes economic effects in the institution as well as reducing the cost of living in the society. National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (2007) outlines an example of outbreak of influence that occurred in an internal medicine ward in which 23% of the members of staff became infected. The result of this was a fourteen days sick leave for each of the members. Eight admissions that had been
Monday, August 26, 2019
Match day staff retention and turnover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Match day staff retention and turnover - Essay Example The study conducted by The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) provided conclusive evidence of how outsourcing human resources personnel and various HR functions could cut average company costs on HR spending and free them from other legal risks. The retention of human resources for long time and then giving training to them is the only issue which is very costly and time consuming. More specifically, good training programs leads to improve the capability of employees and thus increasing the confidence in employees. Employees who are sure of themselves work faster, commit fewer errors and produce more output. Thus we can say that the existence of a human resources department is vital to overall productivity and efficiency of the strong work force in any thriving company. In most professional organizations, the role of the human resources department is not sidelined. In fact, good human resources can be one of the most valued and respected departments in an organization, their job is people and people are the company's most important asset. 1. Dissatisfaction with salary or benefits - Salary dissatisfaction can be predicted using company maintained information commonly to salary administrators. Predictors includes years of service, educational level, performance report, career potential, a measure of the most recent salary increase and employee gender. Benefits are not up to the mark which pleases the employees at fullest. 2. Dissatisfaction with training or working conditions - It is the second biggest reason for leaving the current working place. Using old and casual methods of training and working environment is not suitable. This means that one can't adjust with his current working environment i.e. working staff and conditions are not expelling healthy and positive vibrations. Training methods and modules are insufficient. Due to time constraints; the new employees are often not corrected. This oversight leads to a proliferation of bad practice. 3. Change of industry or profession - Sometimes employees change their profession or shift themselves from one industry to other industry due to higher scope of improvement and learning opportunities because according to their thinking forward looking sector or industry has better future prospects or growth. Even new opportunities comes up to you as easy as knocking the door to fulfill the dreams. 4. Others Lack of development - An individual always wants growth, power and success in life but if one's career comes to a stagnant position, he wants to leave his current job and take a new one with full positive attitude and motivation which is very useful and important like flowing water in the river because it symbolizes development at every point of time in life. Development can be in terms of salary increment or extra responsibility given by the seniors due to faith and carried over by the individual in the company. Better position elsewhere - In this scenario, companies are offering good positions to the employees who are experienced and have good communication skills which are the utmost traits of personality. Some companies are offering internal tests programs conducted to stabilize good employees which is
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Strategic Corporate Finance( case study) Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Corporate Finance( ) - Case Study Example The company prices have experienced a steep fall in prices. The assets might be highly overvalued in the markets. However, to give some relief, the shareholders equity is twice that of the number of shares that have been floated in the market. The fall in profits has also contributed to a fall in the NAV per share figures. The WACC is a reflection of company’s cost of taking funds from equity and debt sources. Each source of finance has been provided with the respective weights and in the present situation; the equity weighs more than the debts in the WACC formula. This means that the company is operating with high levels of equity finance and can undertake expansionary opportunities based on the scope for developing debt finance. The WACC represents the investor’s risk of taking in the particular investment. The company’s WACC is 3.63% and it very low representing opportunities for investors to invest into the company. The average price earnings ratio of the retail industry is prevailing at 15 while for Morrison’s, the P/E ratios remains around 2. This implies that the company is operating at very low profit scales. The industry is performing greater and Morrison’s profits earnings are far below industry average. However, this is relative to the number of shares floated by the company. In relation to the equity base, the company is operating with very low profit margins and needs to scale up its revenues in order to remain competitive within the industry. The value of Morrison’s share derived by way of the dividend growth model can be estimated by dividing the dividend declared for next year by the cost of equity. In this case, the share price stands at This price is much lower than the prevailing market price of Morrison’s share in the markets. The present market price for company’s share is operating at GBP 196 per stock. The company has seen a huge fall in share prices from GBP 357 to GBP 196 in the 52 week scenario. The
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Explain and assess the role that virtue plays in Aristotle's theory of Essay
Explain and assess the role that virtue plays in Aristotle's theory of justice - Essay Example Aristotle claimed that justice should be dispensed in an appropriate manner. He also believed in the strength of virtue in changing the society. Aristotle's book, ‘Nicomachean Ethics’ explained the theory of virtue. He mentioned two kinds of virtue: the moral variety, and the intellectual variety (Raphael 2003). When Aristotle mentioned the subject of moral virtues, he spoke in reference to a person's character, and the way he conducted himself in his daily life. He stated that an individual’s character is a learned function, and not one that he was born with. Essentially, he felt that virtue was merely the balance between different extremes. The Greek term for "happiness" is pronounced as Eudaimonia, which basically refers to maintaining a pleasant spirit. In Aristotle’s view, the highest objective of man was to maintain joy. Aristotle stressed that the definition of happiness was not merely keeping a happy face on a constant basis, or running after ple asure filled activities so that one can maintain superficial joy. This is how the current society tends to define happiness (Raphael 2003). Happiness and the possession of good morals are factors that are linked, in Aristotle’s view. ... It is probable that the founding fathers of America had this definition of happiness in mind when they declared in the declaration of independence that â€Å"the pursuit of happiness†was to be considered as an objective in the new nation. In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, the factors that were necessary to achieve eudaimonia were defined as self capability and decisiveness. Aristotle affirmed that these characteristics could only be achieved through individual initiative and ambition, which he referred to as the "humanistic" criterion (Raphael 2003). Aristotle also rejected the concept that the greatest good was a god given characteristic that could not be achieved without some kind of divine assistance. H e also believed that happiness was the one characteristic or aspect that was its own reward. It could not be used as a means to realise another higher state of contentment, in other words. Those who discovered real happiness, according to Aristotle, would not feel the desire for something else or to experience some other state of contentment. Aristotle categorised virtues in practical terms. He was of the opinion that virtues dealt with the activities and zeal of the activities that people took part in, and what those activities made them feel like. He divided people’s feelings to fundamental pain and pleasure codes. He was endeavouring to instruct the citizens of Athens in the right way to carry themselves. He also believed that there was no one wrong or right way to feel. In the book on ‘Nichomachean Ethics’, Aristotle affirmed that if a person participated in 'good' acts, or assisted his fellow man, he would
Friday, August 23, 2019
Ethics and Law in Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethics and Law in Health Care - Essay Example On the other hand after amputation Fran would need a lengthy recovery period and would be tied to a wheelchair. The other option offered is to revascularise the leg which might save the limb but it is more risky. With Fran unable to make any informed decisions, her family members are to be he ones to make them. Fran lives with her daughter June in her basement for the past few years. Her son Marcus, who is the eldest of her children, lives an hour drive away and visits often. Fran is separated, although not divorced, from her husband Derek for the last three years. Outside her family Fran does maintain an independent lifestyle. She goes out with her friends on regular basis, and especially enjoys to attend weekly bowl games at her nearby club. Fran , according to her daughter, on many occasions expressed the feeling that she does not want to be stuck in bed like the poor people in nursing homes. Her weekly social interactions were most important in her life. Fran’s case opens many legal and ethical questions. It is clear that the latter stem mostly from the legal framework that does not exist in this case. Fran, although sick for years, did not put in place any legal documents that would help in the case like this. There is no written statement that would give any of her family members right to sign medical consent forms. This fact leaves a lot of confusion and opens a lot of questions. Unfortunately, as usual, the time constraints of her condition leave no room for any of those. Decisions need to be made soon and for the best of Fran. If we look into people involved we know that Fran is separated, but not divorced from her husband Derek. As a spouse Derek in legal terms comes ahead of her children when it comes to making decisions about Fran’s health care. However, the fact they don’t live together must be taken into account. Marcus is the eldest child and is next on the list in order of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
There are four topics, so you can choose from them Essay
There are four topics, so you can choose from them - Essay Example Better so, than live to be disgraced and looked askance at†(Book III). Achilles on the other hand participates for the glory that this war is going to bring him, even if it means his death. The motivation of Hector is selfless, while the motivation of Achilles is selfish. Hector holds the position of a traditional hero with the Trojans and is their undisputed leader looked upon with respect. â€Å"When Hector heard this he was glad, and went about among the Trojan ranks holding his spear by the middle to keep them back, and they all sat down at his bidding†. (Book III). On the contrary Achilles is a feared warrior in his camp, but at loggerheads with Greek kings Agamemnon, who want his presence on the battlefield as a motivation for the Greek army, which can be seen from this speech of Achilles to Agamemnon â€Å" You are steeped in insolence and lust of gain. With what heart can any of the Achaeans do your bidding, either on foray or in open fighting? I came not warring here for any ill the Trojans had done me. I have no quarrel with them. They have not raided my cattle nor my horses, nor cut down my harvests on the rich plains of Phthia; for between me and them there is a great space, both mountain and sounding sea†. (Book 1). Throughout the book Homer paints Achilles in a near godly fashion. The human ingredient of fear is absent in Achilles and this makes his acts of bravery and valiance beyond the means of a mere human. On the other hand Hector is seen in the as a human with all its failings including fear. Event in life cause fear, but how fear is conquered even at the pain of death makes a human a hero. The scene of the killing of Hector by Achilles brings this out to the forefront. Hector alone outside the walls of Troy runs away from Achilles demonstrating the human characteristic of fear. He however overcomes it to come
English Speech - After The First Death Essay Example for Free
English Speech After The First Death Essay English speech Good morning, teachers and year 11’s, Identity is one of the main themes in the novel After the First Death by Robert Cormier. Identity defined is the individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known by. Throughout the book, Kate, the main character is constantly changing her emotions and the way she acts showing her different sides. When the main character, Kate appears, She is said to be silent. This tells the reader, that she does not want to confront the terrorists, which also brings us to the point that Kate is not a very brave person. When the reader first meets Kate it had said that, She regarded then in shocked silence, mouth agape, eyes wide open with disbelief. This tells the reader that she is terrified and scared. The central theme of self identity is presented multiple times through main characters such as Kate. She struggles with finding her true identity and becoming brave. My visual representation represents how Kate and the children on the bus are pure and superior to Miro and artkin. The black and white are conflicting colours and white rocks show that the children and Kate are pure and the black shows Miro and Atkin. The black represents the colours of the balaclavas and the colour of Miro’s skin. The black also is a less superior colour than white, representing that the children and Kate are more important. The ratio of white to black rocks demonstrations that there more innocent characters than immoral characters in the novel. The jar is the thing that all the characters have in common; they are trapped in this and cannot get out. This represents the situation they are all in. Wanting to get out but cant. Thankyou†¦
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A Study Of Rivers In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay
A Study Of Rivers In Malaysia Environmental Sciences Essay Heavy metals are most abundant forms of pollution in Malaysia either in the forms of solid or liquid. With the vast industrialization and economic development in coastal region, heavy metals are continuing to be introduced to the estuarine and coastal environment which eventually end up into the river, runoffs and land based area (Yu et al., 2007). Metals diffuses into the aquatic environment will settle down and be incorporated into sediments together with organic matters, Fe/Mn oxides, sulfides, and clay (Wang and Chen, 2000). However, heavy metal mobility or availability in contaminated materials depends to large extent upon the different chemical and mineralogical forms that occurred (Song et al., 1999). Therefore, sediments seem to be an excellent medium in the assessment of the metals bound to the particulates. Nonetheless, sediments are known to act as a sink for heavy metals to be introduced into waters either from both natural and anthropogenic sources thus providing an exce llent proof of mans impact (Pempkowiase et al., 1999; Guevara et al., 2005). In addition, they may also act as traps for various types of pollutants including heavy metals (Poh and Mun, 1994). Indeed, changes in environmental conditions such as pH and redox potential should be monitored since it may results in remobilization of heavy metals. Unfortunately, due to the scarcity of information available to establish the heavy metal concentration in sediment using sequential extraction, no data is presented concerning the heavy metal pollution in the rivers except for one author Shazili et al., 2008 on Langat River Basin. Heavy metals element is particularly crucial because any slight changes in availability may cause these elements to become either toxic or deficient to plant (Krishnamurti et al., 1995). In fact, sequential extraction analysis is a technique which is used to investigate the geochemical partitioning of heavy metals amongst solid mineral and organic phases in sediment or other earth minerals (Howard and Vandenbrink, 1999). Sequential fractionation also frequently used in approaches to evaluate metals distribution into different chemical forms present in solid phases. Although direct methods provide an unambiguous identification of the heavy metal forms and ways why they occur, they might not be sufficiently sensitive where heavy metals occur at relatively low levels and they do not provide quantitative information on heavy metal mobility and availability (Song et al., 1999). However, sequential extraction approach is undoubtedly useful since few attempts have completed and few modification have been made based on Tessier et al., (1979); such as Silviera et al., (2006); Krishnamurti et al., (1995); Song et al., (1999); Forghani et al., (2009), Poh and Mun, (1994). 2.0 Problem Statement Langat river, Bernam River and Klang River basin is located in the state of Selangor in which known to be the most developing states in Malaysia other than Kuala Lumpur. All of these rivers are primarily important as water source not only limited to supplying water to consumer but also for other purposes such as aquaculture and agriculture activity, fishing, effluent discharge, irrigation and even sand mining. With the vast industrialization held in the river such as sand mining it generate the release of metal bound in sediment into the water promoting metals diffussion into the aquatic organisms and eventually ends up into humans body. Moreover, each metals poses their own threat to human, particularly Cadmium (Cd) are known for causing adverse health effects, once ingest into our body it will cause lung cancer moreover it seldom important as a cause of phytotoxicity in paddy field (Chaney, 2010). On the other hand, Zinc (Zn) is a deficient and phytotoxic element in sediment which causes abdominal pain to humans, the latter due to industrial contamination (Chaney, 2010). Copper (Cu) in sediments strongly adsorbs to clay minerals, iron and manganese oxides and organic material. In addition, it tends to remain in horizons that have a greater organic content whereas sandy sediment with low pH poses the greatest potential for Cu leaching. On contrary, lead (Pb) is considered to be one of the major environmental pollutants and has been incriminated as a cause of accidental poisoning in domestic animals more than any other substance. In a nutshell, these metals are emboldened to be analyses since this metal endured high toxicity in the environment thus poses high potential threat and risk to humans and living organisms. 3.0 Significance of Study This study is prominent since in Malaysia there is only few attempted study using sequential extraction as medium in determining the fate of metals in environment. Particularly, this study will be useful as a baseline data for goverment bodies to be more sensitive on the issues related to heavy metals. On the other hand, this study will provide a delineation on the sources of metals which contribute the most anthropogenically or naturally to the environment since the major contributor on the environment deteroriation is a non point source. Therefore, identifying the potential sources is crucial in maintaining the environment. Nonetheless, by conducting this study it ables to generate a profound understanding on the sources and parent materials of which heavy metals are highly introduce to the estuary. Thus, contribute to the discovery of metals strength and percentage of binding to organic or inorganic pollutants. Hence, providing an illustration on the status of pollution in the sel ected rivers based on screening of the forms of metals associated in the river. In addition, the attempted method will utter a method development in assesing the metal in the environment. This study is beneficiary especially by the Department of Irrigation on the overview of the river status thus able to mitigate a scheme on reducing the metal accumulation into the river by identifying the source of pollution. 4.0 Research Objective To ascertain the chemical and mineralogical forms of Pb, Cu, Cd and Zn in selected polluted river. To profile the metal speciation (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn) in the sediment at selected polluted river in Selangor. To determine the heavy metals affinity for specific geochemical phases in the recently deposited sediments in the river. To identify the pollution sources and active component of heavy metals accumulate into the surficial sediment and its chemical behavior in the aquatic environment. 5.0 Literature Review A river is component of water cycle. Mostly rainfall on land will passes through a river on its way to the ocean and smaller side streams will joins the river forming a tributaries (DID, 2010). In Malaysia, the water within a river generally originates from precipitation through surface runoff, groundwater recharge (as seen at base flow conditions / during periods of lack of precipitation) and release of stored water in natural or man-made reservoirs, such as wetlands, ponds or lakes (DID, 2010). Therefore, the rainfall will generate the surface runoff and flows into the river. While the runoff will collect all the suspended particulates on the land surface into the river. This is why source of metal is very hard to trace since it is a non point sources elements which diffuse into the river Basin. Therefore, in this case sediments play an important role in identication of the metals since it acts as transport and storage of potentially hazardous metals (Yu et al., 2008). Bernam River is approximately about 3335 km2 and it forms a boundary between States of Perak in the north and Selangor in the south. The undulating hills of Bernam River merge into an undeveloped peat swamp area where the downstream of the peat swamp is a densely populated coastal strip along the Bernam River. Rice is cultivated in the lower areas ad- jacent to peat swamps and rubber, oil palm, coconuts and cocoa are cultivated in estates and smallholder schemes. Agrochemicals (fertilizers and herbicides) used on agricultural lands suggest a potential non-point source of pollution and toxicity affecting the aquatic ecosystems (Yap and Ong, 1990). Logging generates pollution through soil erosion, siltation and sedimentation in the streams. On the other hand, Langat River basin covered an area of 1300 km2 in the south of Kuala Lumpur and the length of Langat River is approximately about 120 km long (Sarmani, 1989). Langat river known as an important water source not only limited to sup plying water to consumer but also for other purposes such as recreation, fishing, effluent discharge, irrigation and even sand mining (Juahir, 2009). Whereas, Klang River is notable as a highly polluted river in Selangor which flows through Kuala Lumpur and suburban area of the densely populated and highly industrialized Klang Valley (Tan, 1995). The upper reaches of the Klang River serve as an important source of water supply to an estimated population of two million people in this region, together with its growing industrial activities (Tan, 1995). According to the Environmental Quality Report (Department of Environment, 2007), the Klang River is regarded as one of the rivers which have been seriously affected by pollution. Discharges of wastewater from industrial activities in the Klang River basin have also contributed to increasing levels of organic chemical pollutants in the waterways. However, metals in sediment comes in various forms of elements. Therefore, each metals may give beneficiary and may also cause a potential threat to human. Once consumable in our body it might cause a significant imbalance thus causing deformities and poor health (Birungi et al., 2008). Sediment are an important features in the river any activities occured related to sediment such deepen or mining may cause the release of heavy metals into the river. This is because heavy metals may enter into natural water and become a part of the water sediment system and their distribution processes are controlled by a dynamic set of physical-chemical interactions and equilibrium (Jain, 2003). Therefore, the metals may bind to the aquatic organisms. Since these river is an essential water source in the state of Selangor, any aquaculture activity held in the river may have a significant potential of heavy metals accumulate into the fish or prawns. On the other hand, the deposition of metals in sedi ments usually occurs through an interaction between sediment and water (Piron et al., 1990), whereby changes of metal contents of sediments and water depend on changes of water chemistry, such as, temperature, pH and solute concentration. That is why such study is prominent since metals interactions between bed sediment and water in aquatic environment play an important role on water quality and the fate and transport of metals. There are series of modification of sequential extraction technique have been made upon the suitability of the study. The recent modification are introduce by Silviera et al., 2006 which proposed to the studies specifically on the tropical soil. This method listed out seven fractionation steps which each illustrates the metal bound particulate in the sediments. The first three fractionation steps explains the geochemical condition of the sediment whereas the fourth to the seventh steps refers to the anthropogenic conditions. This method is an alternative way to determine the source of metals, because the anthropogenically sourced metals preferentially partition to the non-residual phase of the sediment while the residual phase generally reflects background geochemical conditions (Forghani et al., 2009). Moreover, this method were chosen since it selectively extracts metal bound by specific sediment fractions with minimal effect on the other sediment components (Silviera et al., 2006) . In addition, this method are an important tool for predicting the potential effects of environmental changes and land application of metals on the redistribution of chemical forms in tropical sediments (Silviera et al., 2006). 6.0 Research Methodology Sediment Sampling Thirty representative surficial sediments (0-20cm depth) will be taken from selected polluted river in Selangor from upstream to downstream of the river. Surface sediments samples will be collected in triplicates and homogenised in a zip lock polyethylene bags. The sampling will be conducted during low tide to enable the source of pollution from the mainland to be determined without the influence of input from seawater compared to sampling during high tide. Sediment samples will be collected using plastic scoops, Eckman Grab or core sampler and place into acid-washed double zip-lock polyethylene bag. All samples will be stored in cool box at 4 °C during transportation to the laboratory prior to analysis. Sampling preparation The laboratory apparatus are also acid washed and rinsed thoroughly first with distilled water to ensure any contaminants and traces of cleaning reagent were removed before the analysis. Pre-clean polycarbonate centrifuge tube with soaked overnight in 5 % (v/v) nitric acid rinsed with distilled water after 24 hours prior to analysis. It is performed in clean laboratory to minimize the potential risk of contamination. Laboratory Analysis Physicochemical parameters such as pH, redox potential, salinity and conductivity will be measured using the 1:2 ratio of sediment and double deionized water (DDW). In addition, cations exchange capacity (CEC) and loss on ignition (LOI) will also be determined in the study. Physicochemical Parameters The sediment physicochemical analyses will be determined by mixing 10 g of air dried sample ( Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) Sediment samples for CEC determination will be prepare in two 10 g portions, one for treatment with a 1 M NaCl solution and other with a 1 M NH4Cl solution. Approximately about 10 ml of 95% ethanol will be carefully poured on sediment sample and drawn through the sediment by suction. The ethanol remaining in the sediment will later be removed by overnight evaporation. Then, the sediment will be transferred to small 50 ml Polycarbonate centrifuge tubes. Hence, about 30 ml of 1M NaCl was applied to one set of sub samples and 1 M NH4Cl solution was added to other set. The centrifuge tubes contains with the sediment pre-treated with NaCl and NH4Cl then will be shaken end over end for about 10-20 minutes and subsequently centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 minutes in order to settle the fines. After the samples are centrifuged, the supernatant will be removed with syringe and filter through a 0.45  µm filter. About 15 ml of sample will be used for the analysis of Ca, Mg, and K from the NaCl supernatant solution and preserved with 1% 7M HNO3. Meanwhile, the solution from NH4Cl supernatant will be used for determination of Na and also preserved with 1% 7M HNO3. Sample analysis for Ca, Mg, Na and K adopted similar procedure as in the case of major cations determination. The exchangeable cation concentration are converted from meq/100g to equivalent fractions (ÃŽÂ ²T) as (Apello Postma, 2005) ÃŽÂ ²T = meqI-Xz_____ à ¢Ã‹â€ ‘I, Jà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. meqI-Xz Where I, J,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. are exchangeable cations, meqI-Xi is normally given in meq/100 g dry sediment and à ¢Ã‹â€ ‘ meqI-Xz is essential equal to CEC, ignoring minor amounts of Fe, Mn, etc. Loss of Ignition (LOI) Dry a sample in an oven at 105 °C to constant weight. Accurately weigh 1g of this dried sample and pour into a preweighed dry crucible. Optionally, a few drops of H2O2 may be added at this stage to promote oxidation. The samples will be transfered into muffle furnace and gradually increase the temperature to 500 °C. Leave inside the oven at this temperature for at least 4h or overnight if convenient. Cool, transfer to a dessicator and allow it to cool to room temperature. Weigh and calculate loss on ignition in % as: LOI (%) = 100 x (M1 M2) M1 Where M1 is the initial weight (g) and M2 is the weight after ignition (g). Sequential Extraction Procedure The methods that will be used in this study are based on modification methods from (Silviera et al., 2006). The fractionation of heavy metals in sediments will be carried out in triplicate, using 1 g of air-dried sediment. Then, sediment samples will be placed in 50 ml polycarbonate centrifuge tubes, mixed in a stepwise fashion with various reagents as shown in figure 1, and the suspensions equilibrated. By following equilibration, the solution and solid phases will then be separated by centrifugation at 1225 g for 10 min. In between each successive extraction, the solid residues are suspended in 5 ml of 0.1 M NaCl, shaken by hand, and centrifuged to displace extracting solution remaining from the previous step. The supernatant will be added to the former extractant. The steps are intended to reduce sample dispersion and to minimize read sorption of the metal. The supernatants will be filtered through a 0.45  µm membrane, and the solid residues are preserved for the subsequent extr actions. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the various extracts will be determined by Inductive Couple Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Mass balances, calculated by summing individual Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn masses recovered from fractions, were compared with the independently determined total metal masses. Data Analysis Further data analysis will be conducted using the raw data obtained from the sample analysis. Descriptive analysis, cluster analysis, factor Analysis will be conducted using few softwares such as SPSS version 17 and Multivariate Statistical Package (MVSP) and AQUACHEM. Enrichment factors (EF) will be calculated to determine the level of trace metal contamination of the sediments. 7.0 Project Benefit Research Publications 2 research journal with impact factor Output expected from the project It is expected that several publication can be produced from the data obtained in this study which useful as a reference for future research. It will provide the latest information on the level of metal pollution in Selangor which useable for relevant authority to make the future planning and management purposes. Economic contribution of the project By using the information gathered in this research, the relevant government bodies can make better planning and take preventive measures to avoid further contamination of the river as it is crucial source for the nation fisheries and aquaculture activity. Moreover, important because a lot of the population which resides near the mangrove area depend on it for their livelihood. Since, the destruction or contamination of this area will affect their source of income. The reduction in fisheries produce from the mangrove area due to metal pollution will results in higher imports of fish products which in turn increase the outflow of money from the country. 8.0 References Apello, C.A.J Postma, D. 2005. Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. 2nd edition. Roterdam: Balkema. Birungi, Z., Masola, B., Zaranyika, M. F., Naigaga, I. and Marshall, B. (2008). Active biomonitoring of trace heavy metals using fish (Oreochromis niloticus) as bioindicator species:the case of Nakivubo wetland along lake victoria. Chaney, R. L., 2010. Cadmium and Zinc. Trace Element in Soils. Wiley Publication. United Kingdom. Department of Environment, 2007. DOE Annual Report 2007. Retrieved from on 10 October 2010. DID, 2010. Department of Irrigation. River Management-Activities. Retrieved on 5 October 2010 at Forghani et al., 2009. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Human Resource Strategy and Operational Planning
Human Resource Strategy and Operational Planning Introduction: I will explore the theoretical and practical sides of the relationship between the and development in the retail and hospitality industry, in order to determent an overall view of the subject. I will draw upon many cases, researches, and literatures to get the best possible knowledge that is necessary for an independent evaluation of this topic. I will take Tesco, Hilton and Holiday Inn as an example of todays average but highly successful corporation and investigate the companys past and current human resource strategies and the reasons behind their strategic decisions. Through the essay I look into the human capital management, business performance, model of comparative SHRM, strategy evaluation, HR links between missions and goals of the organizations and further related topics. Strategic human resource management can be defined as the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational culture that foster innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage. In an organisation SHRM means accepting and involving the HR function as a strategic partner in the formulation and implementation of the companys strategies through HR activities such as recruiting, selecting, training and rewarding personnel. My first area of focus is on how to accurately staff, manage, and organize a business trough human resource function. First of all by recognizing the portfolio of the corporation at the, operational, managerial and strategic level. Than arrange the human resource department to reflect the, strategic, managerial and operational requirements of the organization. The most important structural variations of the corporation also stand on the corporations recruiting procedure. Position posting, succession forecasting and management development offer the HR department a chance to bring a measure of integration to the recruiting procedure and to have power over the internal movement of the corporations human resources. It is especially significant that staffing for all level of position and the domestic movement of employees be coordinated with the strategic concerns of the business. The portfolio of the business will make a significant input to the progress of a businesss recruiting strateg y if it turn out to be the driving force in the staffing, promotion plans programs development and selection. Management between the businesss recruiting ways and its strategic plans can improve the businesss ability to get used to environmental conditions. However the business is likely to recruit with folks who have the similar characteristics to those managers who are presently working within it. Little conscious attention is paid to identifying the characteristics most congruent with different organizational configurations. (Galbraith and Nathanson,1978). Many businesses including local shops in Edinburgh owned by the Asian community has face the challenge of developing greater confidence, solutions finding, initiative, and trouble solving capabilities among their employees which is a enormous problem as those convenient stores are the backbone of the economy (Dr Rita Welsh). Businesses need employees at every levels to be more resourceful, independent, creative and self sufficient. These behaviours allow employees to function at superior strategic level, which makes businesses more competitive and productive. Peoples efforts generate greater results. Its what every business attempt to accomplish. Although conventional skills training provides employees new methods and techniques, it will not build their belief, maturity or courage, which is necessary for the development of strategic and managerial capabilities so HR departments often do presentations and workshops regarding the above mentioned topics. As I said earlier companies try to train their staff to be more self-sufficient so less supervision would be required, in other terms empower them. Employee empowerment is a expression used to express the ways in which employees without managerial positions can make independent decisions without the need of confirmation from a boss/manager. These independent decisions can be large or small depending upon the level of power with which the organization wants to invest the member of staff. Personnel empowerment can start with training as I have mentioned above and converting a whole business into an empowerment model. On the other hand it may simply mean giving staff members the ability to make a few decisions on their own. When people feel they have option and allowed to make direct decisions, this does frequently show the way to a better feeling of self worth. In a representation where power is directly attached to sense of self, having some power is a priceless thing. A staff member who does not feel continuously criticized and watched is more likely to consider their workplace as a positive environment, rather than a negative one. The behavioural research, carried out by a group at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, recognizes the aspects that most possible to affect 21st century staff well being, productivity and commitment. They established that loyalty is mainly influenced by ones sense of purpose, general trust in the business and feeling of individual impact. Productivity is largely affected by the quality of human relationships including cooperative, social group moods and interaction. The results of the research lead me to conclude that workplaces that provide positive environments that foster interpersonal trust and quality personal relationships create the most committed and productive employees. Productivity is mostly affected by the quality of human relationships including cooperative, social group moods and interaction. The results of the research lead me to conclude that workplaces that offer positive environments that encourage interpersonal trust and quality personal relationships generate the most loyal and productive employees. So if an employee who does not feel constantly watched and criticized is more likely to consider his or her workplace as a positive environment therefore he/she feel more committed to the organization which would increase their productivity so in conclusion cut cost for the organization. Last year I have worked as a part timer for a very well respected five star hotel called Hilton Caledonian. From week one they required me to work 75 hours even so I had a contract for 25 hours per week. I could not do anything about it as it was very clear if I do not like my schedule I am free to find another job. By the end of the 3rd month when my training finished I had enough so I have left the Hilton group for their leak of flexibility. Flexibility is essential for both the employer and the employee; flexibility of employee skills, employee behaviours, and HR practices represent critical sub dimensions of HR flexibility and are related to superior firm performance. Results based on perceptual measures of HR flexibility and accounting measures of firm performance support this prediction. Whereas skill, behaviour, and HR practice flexibility are significantly associated with an index of firm financial performance, many experts find that the only skill flexibility contributes to cost-efficiency. Hilton has recruited me because they were looking for people who go the extra mile, people who are flexible but they never gave anything return therefore I left however as my worth has increased as the result of the trainings they gave me they lost money. A number of writers have argued that strategic HRM and human capital management (HCM) are one and the same thing, and indeed the concept of strategic HRM matches that of the broader definition of HCM quite well as the following definition of the main features of strategic HRM by Dyer and Holder shows that strategies involve decisions about key goals, major policies and the allocation of resources they tend to be formulated at the top. Strategies are business-driven and focus on organisational effectiveness; thus in this perspective people are viewed primarily as resources to be managed toward the achievement of strategic business goals. Strategies by their very nature provide unifying frameworks which are at once broad, contingency-based and integrative. They incorporate a full complement of HR goals and activities designed specifically to fit extant environments and to be mutually reinforcing or synergistic. This argument has been based on the fact that both HRM in its proper sense and HCM rest on the assumption that people are treated as assets rather than costs and both focus on the importance of adopting an integrated and strategic approach to managing people which is the concern of all the stakeholders in an organization not just the people management function. However, the concept of human capital management complements and strengthens the concept of strategic HRM rather than replaces it. Hence both HCM and HRM can be regarded as vital components in the process of people management and both form the basis for achieving human capital advantage through a resource-based strategy. Business or corporate strategy for service firms in sectors such as hospitality, tourism retail etc. has to comprehend a range of varying stakeholders interests and conciliate these within a strategy framework acceptable to them all. SHRM has had a part to play in the consolidation of staff within the pattern ascertained by the most cogent internal stakeholders senior managers. SHRM is thus part of the wider reticulation of corporate administration and business strategy. The drive to fulfill external stakeholders and the people intensive nature of service sector environments leads to a stress on people management both operationally and strategically. Customer service and related concepts of superior companies have led hospitality and retail businesses to a more conceptual discernment of people management. In the long term if this remains to be seen whether the strategic management of human resources has been more regulated by soft HRM (focusing on the management of culture, employee attitudes, empowerment) and hard HRM (focusing on measurable outcomes) (Megginson 1999). Mayfair London lies at the heart of British Tourism Hospitality Industry and Bass group is a leading hospitality chain Johnson (1999) observes that senior managers at Holiday inns undertook a training project that encompassed spending short periods at operative levels. This exercise led to an actualization that if front-line staff were not given authority and autonomy to resolve non-routine problems as they arose, their customers opinion of quality and service would be badly impaired. It is important to recognize the linking together of senior executives, front line staff, empowerment of staff to take responsibility for customer care satisfaction and quality management issues. All these point to the central them in SRHM. The organization then commenced training initiatives to equip workers to take additional responsibility for quality and problem-solving as well as enforcing fresh recruitment s trategies, such as auditions for food and beverage staff to distinguish candidates with the right attitudes. The right attitudes hints that management is looking for staff with culturally specified social skills-eg attribute that are often arduous to appraise. These soft or tacit skills, abilities to execute intricate relationship roles and functions while at the same time, execute technical (or hard) tasks. The distinction between tacit soft skill and explicit technical hard task oriented- skills lies at the heart of our discussion of SHRM. Managers also recognized that the effectiveness of the new strategies would reckon on a genuine dedication to the interests and welfare of employees. The hotel gained Investors in People recognition in 1995. This is an excellent example to show how everything in linked together. I have talked about empowerment, flexibility, commitment, training, customer service and many more as this example states every single area of human resource management is effecting the entire business progress just as much as one area effects the other one. Conclusion: It is useful for all organisations to management their people within a planned and coherent framework which reflect the business strategy. They can ensure that the various aspects of people management are mutually reinforcing in developing the performance and behaviours necessary to achieve business success. There is not a single HRM strategy that will deliver success in all situations. Organisations need to define a strategy which is unique to their own situation in terms of context, goals, and the demands of organisational stakeholders.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Private Schools vs. Public Schools Essay -- Education
(Thrust for Educational Leadership 1999) wrote: Voucher proponents claim that public school educators could learn a lot from private schools and their "superior" practices and outcomes. However, a report from the non-partisan Economic Policy Institute has found that the most important variation between schools lays in the type of community in which they are located (affluent, suburban, inner-city), not whether they are private or public. Researchers conducted case studies of eight public and eight private elementary schools in California to determine whether there are any identifiable and transferable private school practices that public schools can adopt to improve student outcomes. They discovered: †¢ Private elementary school employees are not necessarily more accountable to parents than are public school personnel. †¢ Private school expectations for student outcomes are not more clearly defined. †¢ Private schools do not provide more meaningful evaluation, supervision or mentoring of teachers, nor are they more selective in hiring teachers than their public school counterparts. Private schools also did not necessarily have more flexibility in firing teachers. †¢ Private schools do not necessarily focus more on issues such as values and behavior. †¢ Private school innovations do not necessarily stimulate improved practices at the public schools with which they compete. The report found that inner-city private schools shared more characteristics with public schools in low-income communities than with affluent suburban private schools. Likewise, suburban public schools had more in common with suburban private schools than with urban public schools. The researchers conclude that the report's findings "could have importan... ...erybody can get on a team in a smaller school." Similarly, a child who needs more individual attention might benefit because "it can customize a child's experience a little more." Finally, I think it is up to each parent to establish what is best for their children. Some children need more attention than others and they learn better in smaller classrooms. What ever route you choose make sure your children are getting a good education. References (1999). Differences between public, private schools overstated, study finds. Thrust for Educational Leadership, 29(2), 4. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database. Lawrence, L. (1997, April 28). The pros and cons of public vs. private schools. Christian Science Monitor, p. 12. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Destruction of the American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of A Salesma
Destruction of the American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of A Salesman A white picket fence surrounds the tangible icons of the American Dreams in the middle 1900's: a mortgage, an automobile, a kitchen appliance paid for on the monthly - installment - plan, and a silver trophy representative of high school football triumph. A pathetic tale examining the consequences of man's harmartias, Arthur Miller's "Death of A Salesman" satisfies many, but not all, of the essential elements of a tragedy. Reality peels away the thin layers of Willy Loman's American Dream; a dream built on a lifetime of poor choices and false values. Although the characters are not of noble birth nor possess a heroic nature nor experience a reversal of fortune, many of the elements in "Death of A Salesman" fulfill the criteria of a classic tragedy. The downfall and crisis points in the play are directly linked to the Loman family's combined harmartias, or personal flaws. The Loman's have unrealistic ideas regarding the meaning of success. To Willy, the foundation of success is not education or hard work, but rather "who you know and the smile on your face." Moreover, Willy ridicules the education Bernard has earned, declaring that his sons, Biff and Hap, will get further ahead in the business world because "the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked, and you will never want." Willy idolizes two men: his brother, Ben, who walked out of an African jungle a rich man, and an 84-year-old salesman who could "pick a phone in twenty or thirty cities an d be remembered and loved, and finally honored by hundred of mourners at his funeral." To Linda, success is paying off a 25... ...ue values. In addition to the link between a character's downfall and the character's harmartias, recognition, or personal discovery, is a crucial element of tragedy. In the requiem of the play, Biff had a glimpse of personal recognition, although Willy, Linda, and Hap never discover the truth about themselves. Biff realizes Willy had the wrong dreams. In accepting the truth about his father, Biff is able to make a decision about his own future based on a realistic view of his capabilities. Is "Death of A Salesman" a tragedy or an illustration of pathos? By classic standards of tragedy the play fails only in the types of characters and lack of reversal of fortune, not in its examination of the consequences of man's harmartias. Realistic dreams, suitable choices, and honest values are the necessary tools to build the white picket fence of the American Dream.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Importance of Financial Institution Essay
Nature of financial institutions Financial institutions are the organizations which perform the essential functions of channeling funds from those with surplus funds (suppliers of funds) to those with shortages of funds (user of funds). Financial institutions are active in today’s global markets include commercial banks, insurance companies credit unions, finance companies, savings and loan associations, saving banks, pension funds, mutual funds, and similar organization. Their fundamental role in the financial system is to serve both ultimate lenders and borrowers but in a much more complete way than brokers and dealers do. Financial institutions issue securities of their own-often called secondary securities to ultimate lenders and at the same time primary securities from borrowers. The secondary securities issued by financial intermediaries include such familiar financial intermediaries include such familiar financial instruments as checking and savings accounts, life insurance policies, annuities and shares in mutual fund. For the most part, these securities share several common characteristics. They generally carry low risk of default. Financial institutions are accept primary securities from those who need credit and in doing so, take on financial assets that many savers, especially those with limited funds and limited knowledge of the market, would find unacceptable. Money lending in one form or the other has evolved along with the history of the mankind. Even in the ancient times there are references to the moneylenders. Shakespeare also referred to ‘Shylocks’ who made unreasonable demands in case the loans were not repaid in time along with interest. Indian history is also replete with the instances referring to indigenous money lenders, Sahukars and Zamindars involved in the business of money lending by mortgaging the landed property of the borrowers. Towards the beginning of the twentieth century, with the onset of modern industry in the country, the need for government regulated banking system was felt. The British government began to pay attention towards the need for an organised banking sector in the country and Reserve Bank of India was set up to regulate the formal banking sector in the country. But the growth of modern banking remained slow mainly due to lack of surplus capital in the Indian economic system at that point of time. Modern banking institutions came up only in big cities and industrial centres. The rural areas, representing vast majority of Indian society, remained dependent on the indigenous money lenders for their credit needs. Independence of the country heralded a new era in the growth of modern banking. Many new commercial banks came up in various parts of the country. As the modern banking network grew, the government began to realise that the banking sector was catering only to the needs of the well-to-do and the capitalists. The interests of the poorer sections as well as those of the common man were being ignored. The significance of the financial system to economic development is not quite clear-cut. Some researchers such as Hicks (1969) are of the opinion that the financial system plays a crucial role in the mobilization of capital for industrialization. On the other hand, there are those, who hold a contrary view. In the 1980s, several African governments embarked on structural adjustments programs in order to correct the disruptions in their economies. As Geo-Jaja and Mangum (2001) note, structural adjustment programs seldom delivered on their intended objectives. However, the relationship between financial development and economic growth during post-SAP period is examined using the Spearman rank correlation. The expected outcome of the structural adjustment program in Nigeria was marred by policy reversals of government. This is a possible reason for the poor performance of the financial sector of the economy. Therefore, financial development and economic growth have no consistent relationship in post-SAP Nigeria.
Sustainable Quebec
In a world in which we are always depleting our natural resources further and further every day, countries need to develop ways in which they can heavily reduce, or eliminate, their dependence on these limited resources. Studies show that the world's supply of conventional oil will only last another 42 to 93 years; we need to develop plans to eliminate our dependence on this fossil fuel before we run out. In order to accomplish this task, a country needs to find ways to create, harvest, or discover new sources of energy that can be used to power our communities. Along with using new technology to create new sources of energy, we also need to work towards cutting back on current energy usage. One great way to figure out such a plan is to look at cities that are already on their way to accomplishing this task. One such city is Quebec, Canada. Quebec, Canada is the 7th largest city in Canada. It's population as of 2006 is 715,515 residents. It's located just over 500 miles north of New York City. Quebec is one of the most sustainable countries in all of North America. This is primarily due to one of its largest companies; Hydro-Quebec. Hydro-Quebec is an electric company that primarily relies on hydropower to create its energy. It has managed to accomplish an amazing feat by reducing its dependence on fossil fuels. Hydro-Quebec is a big believer in environmental sustainability. They have considered all aspects involved, including air quality, water quality, vegetation control, bio-diversity, eliminating contamination, improving the quality of life, managing electric and magnetic fields, managing nuclear power, using resources wisely, overseeing environmental initiatives, and ensuring environmental acceptability, all while still striving to be as independent as possible from the use of fossil fuels. I will be talking about just a few of these in order to convey their efforts and dedication to the environment. Hydro-Quebec has accomplished something remarkable. Quebec's main source of power is hydro-power making up a whopping 94% of its total energy supply. Only 4% of Quebec is powered by oil, 1.8% by nuclear power, and 0.2% is powered by other means of energy. This is simply amazing as hydro-power is a completely renewable source of energy. The way that water is used to create electricity is a very simple process. Hydro-Quebec has made good use of many of its surrounding rivers. Turbines are placed along these rivers which use the constant flow of the water to turn them. The turbines are hooked up to a gear system which through the turning of these turbines create energy which is then fed into the power grid and delivered back to businesses and households. One may think that this would create eyesores at all of Quebec's rivers, but in all actuality Hydro-Quebec only uses 2% of all of Quebec's rivers in order to produce this electricity. Now that you know how Hydro-Quebec creates its energ y, let's look at how it ensures sustainability. Air quality is one of the biggest issues when it comes to sustainability. Almost every form of power generation emits green house gases (GHG). These gases destroy our air quality and contribute to destruction of the Ozone layer, and an increase to global temperatures worldwide. By using hydro-power, Hydro-Quebec has cut their GHG emissions by a great deal. Every resident of Quebec produces one-half the GHG emissions of the average Canadian citizen, and one-sixth of Alberta's citizens. When comparing Hydro-Quebec's atmospheric emissions to that of its neighboring systems (New England, NY State, Ontario, and New Brunswick) it is drastically lower. Using the measurement of tons per terawatt hours, Hydro-Quebec emits 16,104 of carbon dioxide (CO2) compared to the neighboring system with 366,660. When it comes to sulphur dioxide (SO2), Hydro-Quebec emits 75, with the neighboring system emitting 1,271. And finally for nitrogen oxides (NOx), Hydro-Quebec emits, 29 compared to the systems, 455. These results clearly speak for themselves and show Hydro-Quebec's dedication to promoting high air quality. Another very important aspect of achieving sustainability is bio-diversity. With the use of natural rivers and streams there is obviously the risk of affecting aquatic wildlife. Hydro-Quebec has made valiant efforts to ensure minimal impact on these plants and animals. To operate their company Hydro-Quebec must build dams, generation stations, power lines, and substations, and in doing so wildlife protection must be considered. This is why Hydro-Quebec has taken measures to build and maintain their facilities in a way that has the least impact on fauna, flora and habitats. They also carry out initiatives to preserve biodiversity on their properties. Specific examples include creating solutions to benefit the following animals: Bald Eagle, Brook Trout, Eels, Lake Sturgeon, Mayapple, Shad, and Water Fowl. By protecting, and promoting the growth of these animals, Hydro-Quebec is playing a major part in increasing its city's bio-diversity, and getting just one step closer to a fully sust ainable city. Now that we have discussed how Hydro-Quebec is leading the way in Quebec to sustainability, we need to look at what the rest of the city is doing. Quebec's government as a whole is also doing their part to ensure the success of their future. Plans are in the works with Transportation-Quebec to improve all public means of transportation while ensuring public safety and convenience. Quebec has also partnered with the World Tourism Organization (WTO) to promote eco-tourism amongst its visitors. Along with their transportation industry, Loto-Quebec (Quebec's lottery program) is also doing their social part of having sustainability plans in place. There are many more companies, and organizations within Quebec that contribute to their sustainability, however I would have to go on for days in order to touch bases on all of them. It is rather apparent that Quebec has sustainability high in their priorities. Between running a full scale hydro-powered electric plant, and through organizing numerous projects with every aspect of Quebec's government and businesses, as a city, they are one of the most sustainable in North America. Considering all their results and performance, other cities looking to further their sustainability, should look to Quebec for ideas, guidance, and motivation.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Growing Without Schooling Essay
Homeschooling is a realistic alternative or replacement to tuition institutions. In conformity with your land laws as regards this make of indoctrination, children about and learn under the parent’s supervision free essays on the canterbury tales. Homeschooling is currently a hot social issue because of the major increase of homeschooled American children in the last decade. There are two major opinions on this issue: parents who believe they have a right to choose how their children are educated and those who believe that children need to be socially stimulated and that educators can instill patriotic values that cannot be taught in the home arena. Many parents insist that children can learn more easily at home, in an environment where disruptions are few and parents can teach children one-on-one. Homeschooling is a realistic alternative or replacement to tuition institutions. In conformity with your land laws as regards this make of indoctrination, children about and learn under the parent’s supervision free essays on the canterbury tales. Homeschooling is currently a hot social issue because of the major increase of homeschooled American children in the last decade. There are two major opinions on this issue: parents who believe they have a right to choose how their children are educated and those who believe that children need to be socially stimulated and that educators can instill patriotic values that cannot be taught in the home arena. Many parents insist that children can learn more easily at home, in an environment where disruptions are few and parents can teach children one-on-one. Enrolling In Online Home Schooling The Easiest Way The number of parents that choose to enroll their child online for home schooling is expanding. Its popularity among other parents and parents-to-be is vastly increasing. Some parents want it because it is more convenient when it comes to the financial aspects. Some parents do not have enough money to be able to send their children to private schools. 5 Advantages of Homeschooling What makes homeschooling better than traditional schooling? Lately, there is a rising trend in families choosing to homeschool their child than send their child to a traditional educational institution. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=††,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Machiavelli Ruler Essay
Elizabeth’s religious and political policies displayed her cunning characteristics of being both loved. Her use of justification by force rather than law was effective and was a main reason for her success. The Queen surrounded herself with shrewd and wise advisors but also carefully questioned the motives of her closest consultants. In Machiavellian style, Elizabeth’s religious policy fluctuated between toleration and repression according to the needs of the present time. But despite the conflicts between the Catholics and Protestants, Elizabeth still pursued a middle way between the feuding religions. In the Elizabethan Settlement, Elizabeth and Parliament required conformity in the Church of England but allowed people to worship Protestantism and Catholicism privately. In the Thirty-Nine Articles, Elizabeth defined the Anglican Church as following the Protestant doctrine but keeping the Catholic hierarchy. The Queen abolished presbytery structure and other corrupt church practices but kept a centralized figure head (monarchy). Elizabeth as well showed little mercy to anyone who threatened her rule. Religious extremists such as Puritans and Catholics were given a choice to reform or be exiled in Elizabeth’s Conventicle Act. Because of these actions, Elizabeth is also considered a politique: she put political over religious matters. Another example of Elizabeth following the Machiavellian concept is her refusal of marriage to King Philip II of Spain. Elizabeth was married to her country and did not want a King to come along and change the religion and take all her power. In her foreign policy, she was systematic because it was designed to keep her in power. One example of a threat to Elizabeth’s power was Mary Queen of Scots. Many of Elizabeth’s Catholic enemies wanted to see her replaced by Mary. Because of the many threats Elizabeth received from her, Mary was executed, despite being Elizabeth’s relative. Elizabeth killed Mary for the good of England and did not let any person interfere with her ruling. Although Elizabeth dealt horribly with those who tried to overthrow her, Elizabeth’s people loved her even after her death because of her strong command of respect and loyalty. By following the Machiavellian style, Queen Elizabeth I became seen as one of the most influential ruler who led England successfully. In French history, Prince Henry of Navarre is known as being Machiavellian. Prince Henry, who although was Protestant, converted to a Catholic for the good of France. Since the Bourbon Prince was Protestant and a legal heir to the French throne, it posed a problem because of France being strongly Catholic. Although there was an attempt by Henry III to grant Huguenots almost complete freedom in the Peace of Beaulieu, it fails and Henry III seeks aid from Henry of Navarre. After Henry III dies, Prince Henry of Navarre succeeds him and becomes King Henry IV. Because Spain was intervening in other matters, Henry IV became stronger in his rule. He was widely liked by France and did what was best for the country. The King put his politics and image with the French people before his religion. He converted from Calvinism to Catholicism to please the masses of France. In the Edict of Nantes, Henry made a formal religious settlement for the Huguenots. The Huguenots received religious toleration and private worshipping outside of Paris. The Edict was considered a truce rather than religious tolerance as it gave the Huguenots protection. King Henry issued the edict in order to save the national unity of France. He saved France from religious turmoil even if it meant for him to give up his own religion. â€Å"Paris is worth the mass†is one of his famous sayings. He asserts that it is more important to secure the unity and safety of a nation than to not be stubborn and not follow the mass. King Henry IV was one of the most popular French kings, both during and after his reign. He showed great care for the welfare of his subjects and displayed an unusual religious tolerance for the time. King Henry sacrificed a great amount for the good of his country by putting political over religious matters and doing whatever it takes to reach success. Machiavelli has had enormous influence on the world’s successful rulers. People like Queen Elizabeth I and King Henry IV ruled their country with great attention. These rulers were war wise, noble, brave, strong, and kept faith in others at a minimum. Elizabeth and Henry did what was best for their country, even if it meant sacrificing religion. They used any means to stay in power. Elizabeth I and Henry IV truly displayed Machiavellian characteristics through the way they used their power.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
On Conflict Settlement Essay
Schick (1995) defines a conflict as a â€Å"distinctive structure of desires and a belief†(p. 58). A conflict arises when an agent wants x and y wherein x and y are the only options available to the agent. Given this situation, an agent may choose to react in two ways. First, the agent may choose to avoid the conflict or second, the agent may choose to resolve the conflict. In the resolution of a conflict, the agent starts to think rationally by seizing to think that the options available to him involves choosing both x and y or losing both x and y. In this sense, the agent enables the resolution of the conflict through an internal mediation of his or her desires. The same thing applies when it comes to interpersonal conflict. The difference between the two merely lies in the existence of a particular situation wherein the desires and beliefs of two or more agents tend to counter that of the other. This shows the manner in which conflicts enable the â€Å"balancing of power†within an agent or within a group (Rummel, 1991, p. 76). The balancing of powers resulting from the occurrence of a conflict enables the balancing of the following elements: interests, capabilities, and wills. Rummel (1991) notes â€Å"conflict is a balancing of individual interests, capabilities, and wills. It is a simultaneous solution to the equations of power†(p. 77). Within an interpersonal conflict, it does not necessarily mean that the agent(s) whose beliefs and desires take precedence over the other is the agent(s) who hold power within a group. The balance of powers refers to the mutual satisfaction of the different and contending interests within a group. In other words, the balance of powers may be understood as the result of the mediation within an interpersonal conflict. In the previous presentation, one of the groups presented steps that may be followed in case a conflict arises. The steps that they provided involve the agent(s) development of self-awareness. The importance of self-awareness here can be seen if one considers that it is only through the agent(s) identification of the clashing beliefs and desires that the agent(s) will be able to achieve the resolution of the conflict. This was shown by the group through a skit that they presented in class. One might note that in the skit itself, the group was able to present that failure to develop awareness may lead to aggression which might further enhance the conflict at hand. The importance of this skit does not lie in its means of providing an example for those who were present; it also enabled the audience’s direct experience of a conflict. Deutsch et al (2006) notes, â€Å"observing models deal effectively with difficult situations allows the observer to achieve greater freedom in coping with current and future problems of all sorts (p. 309). Despite of this, the group however, was unable to show that resolution and aggression are not the only means in which a conflict may end. Matthews and Roberts (2004) notes that conflicts may also lead to â€Å"collaboration and appeals to authority†(p. 451). Although one might state that this also leads to the resolution of a conflict in the sense that it ends a conflict, it is important to note that conflicts that end in this manner further breeds the creation of further disagreements amongst the agent(s) involved. Matthews and Roberts (2004) further notes that in the resolution of a conflict, there are certain skills which individuals should learn. These involve â€Å"active listening, assertiveness, expression of feelings in appropriate ways, empathy and perspective taking, cooperation, negotiation, and methods for countering bias†(p. 451). Although the group was unable to present all of these point, they were able to relay well the information that they had prepared for the presentation. In summary, given the time constraints on the group, I think the group was able to relay helpful information that will aid the members of the audience in the process of understanding and handling situations that may lead to both personal and interpersonal conflict. References Deutsch, M. et al. (2006). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Matthews, G. & R. Roberts. (2004). Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth. Massachusetts: MIT Press. Rummel, R. (1991). The Conflict Helix. London: Transaction Publishers. Schick, F. (1997). Making Choices: A Recasting of Decision Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
How does the Media Shape Our Development of Moral Judgment Research Paper
How does the Media Shape Our Development of Moral Judgment - Research Paper Example How this is happening is the way in which the youth is spending a lot of their time with the media due to their easy access to explicit content. With added convenience children can find stories that encompass violence, sexual promiscuity, theft, and greed in numerous media outlets such as fictional programming, a number of reality shows, music, and through the Internet. Research primarily looks at the effects on morality due to the media by looking at the underlying moral decision making that affects their behaviors. As far as children are concerned their moral development follows a very conventional developmental path. When these children, typically under the age of eight, are presented with an ethical dilemma their judgment of right and wrong is highly reliant on whether their action results in a reward or punishment. However as children mature their judgment takes into account a larger amount of factors, intentions and motives which revolve around recognition of the many conflicti ng rules inherent in moral dilemmas. Such a change can be attributed to the fact that their moral reasoning becomes much more flexible and ‘other’ oriented. ... A majority of the children’s perception found unjustified aggression to be wrong however children who watched programs that encompassed fantasy violence, such as Power Rangers, were more inclined to judge the ‘justified’ aggression being morally correct. Research reinforces this notion seeing as how violence in famous superhero cartoons is mostly seen as justified. Hence in the Krcmar study, it was observed how children who watched fantasy violence and those who watched realistic entertainment violence, such as Cops, were seen to display a lesser advanced moral reasoning strategies, with their primary focus being on rules and how prominent the presence or absence of punishment was as far as moral dilemmas was concerned. In another study which focuses on a similar pattern it was found that children who watched fantasy violence frequently were more likely than those who were light viewers to perceive justified violence as being morally correct. The heavy exposure to fantasy violence also led to these children having a lesser advanced role-taking abilities, which consequently affected their moral reasoning skills, making them less sophisticated (Wilson, 2008). A study also focused on looking at the influence the family had on a child’s television viewing and moral reasoning. It was found that if parents stressed and emphasized on communication within a family the children were less likely to watch fantasy violence that was shown on television and therefore develop higher moral reasoning skills and vice versa (Livingstone, 1996). A longitudinal study conducted by Judy Dunnn and Claire Hughes looked at how the media had an impact on the moral development of â€Å"hard-to-manage†preschoolers when compared with
Monday, August 12, 2019
Use of informants in criminal investigation Essay
Use of informants in criminal investigation - Essay Example Identifying motivators, insuring the informant has access to the information that is desired, and maintaining control over the informant are the essential components for successful use of an informant in an investigation. The basis for American law enforcement in using informants is the concept of probable cause. In Aguilar v. Texas, the Supreme court designed a test that was divided into two aspects of determination under which to establish probable cause on hearsay evidence. The two things that must be accomplished are 1). the credibility of the informant be established, and 2). the reliability of the informant’s information also be established (Greene, 2007, pp 353). An informant’s credibility could be established by checking to see if the statements that have been made were able to lead to prosecution. An informant who has been used more than once has established a record of success or has been shown to be without value. The second aspect of determining probable cause requires that the reliability of the information be established, which is accomplished by checking to see if the informant has direct knowledge of the information that is being A variety of sources can be cultivated by law enforcement officers A cultivated source is one who is engaged in a legal business that allows for access to a person of interest. These individuals are can be hair stylists, hotel employees, doormen, legitimate gun dealers, bartenders, or anyone who does business with someone who has the potential to commit a crime and then allows some evidence of that crime to be discovered by the informant. This kind of network of individuals who watch the world as it functions within their job parameters allows for law enforcement to create a source of information that is more widespread, and sometimes very unexpected. Service workers, especially, aren’t necessarily identified as a threat and can sometimes allow for a
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