Thursday, February 28, 2019

Virgin Group – Richard Branson

RICHARD BRANSONS gross(a) GROUP Problems Although certainly notorious, Richard Bransons staring(a) Group has perplexd some(prenominal) problems. In the short-term, spot overextension has become a threat since the phoner has entered multiple commercialises. Brand overextension leads to damaging the comprehensive virginal target. Since the consummate(a) brand itself is the guilds greatest asset, protecting the brand come across is critical. The vestal brand image has a connotation of value and lifestyle. Due to some another(prenominal) enunciate ventures, licenses, and alliances with different companies, the objective of the perfect(a) experience could be destroyed.Further more than, as recent becomes more global and more adaptive to individual cultures, the customer experience will certainly vary, again leading to brand overextension. For example, although the United terra firma may condone pure(a)s racy and edgy advertisements, other parts of the world, as our h ost testifies, views such material quite unequivocal and even shocking. Thus, while Virgin enters different markets, negative impacts can arise, impede Virgins brand. A back short-term problem is Virgins financial information that is fragmented, hard to locate, and even interpret.With the companys different alliances and joint ventures, questions about the financial health of the Virgin group were macrocosm asked. Thus after examination, Virgin faced financial challenges that light-emitting diode to negative cash flow. This was mainly due to the Bransons approach of stand-alone basis where the most profit fit companys revenues financed new market entrances. disdain some advantageous areas of Virgin, many did not generate cash. Therefore, as Virgin grows, a more systematic approach must be apparatused to create synergies between businesses. Long-term problems overly exist for Virgin.First is Bransons close affiliation to Virgin. What happens if the public tire of his exploit s? What will happen to Virgin when Branson 1 leaves? An implication of these questions is that Virgin needs Branson. Virgins unanimous brand is fortified by Bransons own personal values. A second long-run problem for Virgin is the companys itty-bitty formal structure and management system. Although this structure presently kit and caboodle for Virgin, allowing the company to be viewed as entrepreneurial and innovative, in the long-term creativity must be managed at Virgin. Company Analysis After analyzing Virgin by dint of various analytical frameworks including internal/external analysis, SWOT analysis, and value range of a function analysis, we arrive at discovered the importance of Virgins strong brand and diversification strategy. In sum, Virgins strongest capability is the companys strong brand. The brands foundations of entrepreneurship and eccentricity result in Virgin being a strong customer-oriented company. Since the Virgin brand is so strong, the company has been a ble to diversify into many new markets.Diversification for Virgin is made possible by joint ventures and strategic alliances that are ultimately less risky. Thus the Virgin brand leverages Virgins resources. Furthermore, Bransons values are revealed in the Virgin company. The brand image, which is the motor of the company, results in innovative start-ups that keep Virgin both successful and sustainable. Alternatives To continue Virgins success, we have set several resources. First, Virgin could go public thereby gaining additional bully that could be used to fund new start-ups.The disadvantage with this alternative is that Virgin would be forced to abide by formal accounting rules, which Branson states he does not favor. Furthermore, Virgins brand could become diluted since the image would move towards a more traditional stance. 2 A second alternative is that Virgins management could designate Branson s successor and prepare that person to take on the task of CEO. The advantage of this alternative is that the fate of Virgin is not attached to Branson alone. This could help separate Branson from the Virgin brand that allows Virgin to flourish as a company, and not however an extension of Branson himself.Additionally, new leadership could prove beneficial for Virgins long-term success, and namely deciding Virgins structure. However, Bransons absence could also weaken the brand in the short-term. Since the public easily identifies with Bransons traits as loyal and fair, customers could perceive Virgin negatively. To thwart such sign negativity, Virgin could slowly implement the new successor, allowing him or her to also ravish in the spotlight alongside Branson. Thirdly, Virgin could dispose of unprofitable companies.This integration would result in money saved and the creation of a more formal organizational structure. Therefore, across the board, Virgin would be able to have a more uniform decision processes. Consolidation would also quieten investors since the corporate structure would be less complex and financial data more readily available. The motives for diversification are growth, risk reduction, and profitability. If Virgin cannot achieve those goals through the diversification strategy, then there are no reasons wherefore Virgin should keep unprofitable companies.Focusing on related industries would then reach Virgin expertise and thereby creating both value for shareholders and exploiting economies of scale. Furthermore, Virgin could assign resources among the firms more efficiently, giving Virgin better future strategy formulations. 3 Recommendations One must analyze Porters essential tests that that acknowledge the attractiveness test, cost-ofentry test, and the better-off test, to determine whether a diversified strategy has a sustainable competitive advantage.Because Virgins strong brand is firmly insert in the companys corporate structure, the attractiveness test reveals that manythough not all (example is t he unprofitable Virgin Money) of Virgins diversified companies are attractive. Secondly, costof-entry must be considered. For Virgin, many entry be are feasible, because profitable Virgin companies support the new start-ups. And thirdly, the better-off test shows that new companies within Virgin must be profitable and add value.Although many new companies do not add financial benefits, the new companies do add brand value. Thus the answer to the question whether Virgin is a successful diversified company is clearly yes. Overall the diversification works quite well. However, we do recommend that Virgin exit the unprofitable industries and consolidate. This would be beneficial in the short-term as capital immediately becomes available. Furthermore, this would also help Virgin in the long-term as only profitable companies remain, allowing Virgin to increase revenue.In looking at Virgins long-term success, we recommend that Virgin continue its short-term strategy of further developmen t expertise in key areas. Thus, long-term market saturation would be avoided, while also maintaining Virgins strong brand awareness. Despite Bransons strong presence, we also suggest that Virgin slowly implement a successor. Virgins brand is about constitution then the company needs a strong focal point. As public are not immortal, the slow implementation of a new personality could also capture the publics attention. 4 5

Academic Degree and College Essay

Is college really expenditure it? A question many students offset printing to ask as the college cost ontogenesiss and business enterprises argon tougher to conduct. When considering college you devour to reflect more than round what you want discover of it rather than what you keep up to do to return do it. Although get accepted into a good college is a great start, acquire a college degree may appear intimidating in equipment casualty of the informal responsibility, tuition, fees, and cadence truenesss involved. However, there atomic number 18 many another(prenominal) shipway in which a college degree can be a efficacious investment with enhancing the value of your life in several ways.In the future, the pedagogy received from college will be very jockstrapful to people in several ways. College is becoming a major decision with adults in the States today beca usance people ar questioning whether or not if college is real worth it. People are not doing their research on how a college degree is more beneficial than if you did not earn iodine. Numerous studies save revealed that a college cultivation can lead to long-term financial returns and increase a students success in the future.According to Deanna Mascle Individuals with bach degrees earn near 60 percent more than those with just a high condition lambskin, who in turn earn about 40 percent more than high school dropouts( 2012). Receiving a college degree and saving what you tick offed to the real world will benefit you in your quest for financial success. If you do not have a mindset that you are going to put your full potential in college. Cooper, argues that there is no reason to waste your time and capital.In our society now a college fosterage is no longer a choice or privilege, that rather a necessity or requirement. We are basically raised(a) and accustomed to believe that one needs a higher education in order to succeed in life. The major reason wherefore people go to college is not because they want to, hardly because they essentially have to. In the article College is still worth it, Anthony Carnevale states, that businesses pay more money to workers with degrees than to those without because employers believe that postsecondary educated workers are more valuable (Carnevale 8).Even though society has began to change that its basically a necessity to have a college degree to get a good job its considerably worth the money in the end. There are a numerous amount of waiters/waitresses, bar bleeders, plumbers, and so on who have college degrees and are working in jobs that dont require proceedd degrees. A cashier, for example, earns $19,000 on average, tho if with a college degree, earns $29,000 on average. Similarly, plumbers without a degree earn $37,000 on average, hardly earn $52,000 with a college degree.Nearly all high school seniors are pressured by their guidance counselors and parents to go to college because it is the right thing to do. In Caroline Birds essay College is a Waste of Time and money, she states that students go to college because Their mothers wanted them to go. (481) The undergraduate may have different dreams about what he or she desires to do in life, just because they believe that these mentors reach out out what is best for them, they almost certainly end up doing roughlything that they do not want to do, resulting in being unhappy with their life.Bird makes some good points in her essay, but if children did not get pressured they would have no idea about college, and probably would not even think about going. Bird argues that college is a waste of money because youngsters do not shaft what they want. No one wants parents, teachers or counselors telling high school students to fuck off low and skip college. College is expensive we all have established that, but it doesnt have to be. If you have to take out, or plan on taking out more than $50,000 to go to college, you sh ould consider searching for other colleges that will be able to fit your budget.According to Cooper, he has destroyed college and has a great job. He goes on to talk about how if he never decided to go to college and pay the high tuition that goes along with it. The Public Policy Institute of California concurs and predicts that 41 percent of jobs in 2025 will require a college degree. If these counselors and parents did not push these students into facial expression, and going to college, accordingly the question is who would? Even when applying for a job that will not use your exact degree, just having that degree gives you an advantage over the other applicants who do not possess a degree.The majority of the employers of the company are looking for students with a college degree since employers are looking for students who have the skill to learn new things which is essential in order to work in the embodied world. The degree reassures the employers that a student with a degre e can be engaged since completing a degree, that means that he/she can wait the work environment, and also has the skill to settle in to constant change. A degree is said to be more significant than the degree subject as such, so as long has one has the ability to learn, thus they will have a more pronechance of getting employed.The majority of college students would feel that college is a waste of money because they do not learn what they want to. Instead they have to take classes that have naught to do with what they are majoring in, and are only taking these classes to complete the educational requirement to start their actual major. With the increase costs of college tuition, as head as essentials such as books a college education becomes a commit somewhat more than an investment.Tuition costs continue to rise, and for a mete out of struggling Americans, getting an education now means days and years of monthly debt payments. Alexander Thomas Public, two-year college tuit ion has gone up 7. 3 percent since last year and will no incertitude continue to rise (2012). Thomas says there are definitely ways to reduce the cost of college, and educating yourself on the federal student loan work at in general is extremely useful in the long political campaign(2012).Although college is expensive, if it is approached the right way, students can get the education they need and desire without getting buried in tons of debt. Americans just need to be knowing and do their research when it comes to paying for college. The main reason for attending college is to get a well-paying career, while being happy with that career choice. College prepares you with educational spirit in order to accomplish something in the future. According to Dale Coye the New American College, higher education is necessary for you future.He states that In spatial terms, teaching and learning may begin in a classroom, but go work also spills over into the life of the campus and the comm unity. Students engage in experiential learning and co-curricular activities that take abstract ideas and anchor them in real-life problems (Coye 20). Time and commitment are very important in succeeding with getting a college degree. According to Cooper, if you are planning to have children you should wait until you finish college, as it is a big commitment and time consuming even without children.Parenting students tend to complete four-year degrees at rates far slower than other college students. much than half (59 percent) of parents attending college earn less than $10,000 a year (Sorensen 30). Parents cannot break to support their children without getting some kind of education. Copper, explains that he probably would not have finished school if he decided to have kids sooner he graduated. The opposition to get a decent job is increasing it is near to impossible to achieve a high paying job without at least a bachelors degree.Numerous amounts of jobs that only used to wan t their employees to have a high school diploma now need some type of college education. College is worth the money, nevertheless, is because it is one of the disused associations that frequently holds people of different cultural and racial backgrounds. This allows one to advance their social and communicative skills because they are exposed to unaccustomed cultures. College helps you to become a responsible adult because for the first time most people are nearly on their own.College helps students get ready for major linked skills. Thus, college helps in achieving skills linked to the business one looks to get into. It helps a student in figuring out how to do their job. It is entirely different from high school you have to manage your private time and financial state as well. Proceeding with college teaches individuals how to handle their lives. Most college students are managing their college life between studying for their exams and earning money through low paying jobs to mai ntain their college tuition.In addendum to this, they are enjoying the benefits of a good social life, parties and quite a littles of friends. The experience one has in college really helps teenagers turn into adults. Going away to college you have to reflection situations like having to pay bills, time has to be managed well, and cutoff dates have to be met, just like the real world. College is just not about obtaining a good job, but about gaining knowledge. Sometimes it is good to be an happy person instead of being someone who just makes a lot of money.There are quite a few reasons why college is worth it in the end, the tuition and college costs are expensive in the beginning, but it pays off once you are earning the money in the future. Researching colleges and finding out the best option for you will only benefit yourself in the end, do wise choices and deciding if starting a family with your finances without a college education will be worth it in the long run, and doi ng research for yourself to try what will better benefit you and your family by getting some sort of college education.An education gives people an understanding of what they can do for themselves and how they can make needed changes in their lives. Simply just giving away money would not teach the skills or values that come with receiving an education. This is the value of education that it makes lasting changes in the lives of those who seek it. Works Cited Bird, Caroline. College is a waste of time and money. The Case Against College (1975) n. pag. Print. Carnevale, Anthony. College is Still Worth it. Inside Higher ED 14 Jan. 2011 8-10. Print. Cooper, Edward, Veterinarian.Personal Interview. 27 Oct, 2012. Coye, Dale. Ernest Boyer and the New American College. Connecting with the Disconnects 29. 3 (1997) 20. Print. Mascle, Deanna. A College score in nearly a necessity. Thinking about college? We can help n. pag. College Tidbits. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. . Sorensen, Kia. Unmarried Parents in College. Fragile Families 20. 2 (2010) 28-50. Print. Tutiion Breakdown Is college worth it? HLNtv. com Turner Broadcasting System Inc, 16 Aug. 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

End Stage Dilated Cardiomyopathy CDCM Health And Social Care Essay

Approximately 3 million Ameri rafts suffer from end-stage DCM, and another 400,000 argon diagnosed yearly 1 . Many of them suffer every(prenominal) twenty-four hours from booby failure and every yr end-stage DCM is a lending factor in ab turn out a one-fourth million deceases 2 . As the community ages, the incidence of end-stage DCM is expected to increase greatly 3 .In congestive crush failure ( CHF ) , antecedently normal nerve musculus becomes damaged, victorious to a generalised alter of the walls of the cardiac Chamberss 4 . To counterbalance for the weakening of their muscular walls, the cardiac Chamberss dilate in a process called remodeling 5 . The weakening and the dilation of the shove musculus finally lead to teat failure 6 .Dilated Cardiomyopathy 7 hypertext transfer protocol // in more instances no cause ( etiology ) is evident, end-stage DCM likely resulted from harm to the myocardium produced by a assortment of toxic, metabolic, or infective agents. It may besides be delinquent to hempen alteration of the myocardium from old myocardial infarctions 8 . largeanimous role forecast depends on the phase of the disease but is typically characterized by a high deathrate rate. End-stage DCM will do decease due to progress, irreversible substance failure and other jobs such as arrhythmias and shooter 9 . Other than bosom organ transplant, there atomic number 18 currently no healing intervention options for end-stage patients with this disease. However, other options such as ventricular Assist imposture ( VAD ) and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy ( cathode-ray tube ) crumb besides be applied. 10 hypertext transfer protocol // burdens/cli_v2-300258.gifA Possible Solution marrow transplantation 11 Heart embed is a surgical transfer bear on performed on patients with end-stage bosom failure due to distend myocardiopathy or terrible coronary arteria disease.hypertext transfer protocol // % 20Transplant/Conditions % 20Leading % 20to % 20Transplant-435.gifThe most common process is to take a on the job bosom from a late deceased organ presenter ( homo bribery ) and en imbed it into the patient. The patient s ain bosom may either be removed ( orthotopic process ) or, less commonly, left in to back up the donor bosom ( heterotopic process ) .Orthotopic process of cardiac organ transplant. 12 How bosom is transplanted 12 A midline chance on is made oer the breastbone to open the chest pit to bring about to the bosom.The great vass of the bosom are attached to a heart-lung beltway machine that en fits the primitive structure to keep daub flow to the entire structure and encephalon.The blistery bosom is removed and a healthy donor bosom is so sutured into topographic point.The heart-lung beltway machine is removed and the young bosom is restarte d.Heterotropic process of bosom embed. 13 The bosom is donated by person who has been declared brain-dead but system on vitality support. The donor bosom must be matched every bit adjacently as doable to the patient s create from raw material type to love prevail over rejection of the new bosom by the constitutional structure. Because giver Black Marias are in short supply, graft faecal matter merely be carried out later extended scrutiny and try out leave been performed on both giver and patient to guarantee the outdo possible result for both sides is achieved and to minimise complications. The patients need to be inveterate potentiometer to necessitate a new bosom, yet healthy plenty to have and last with it. 14 15 hypertext transfer protocol // Risks of Heart TransplantDuring the starting twelvemonth, 25 % of bosom graft receivers have marks of a possible rejection. The receiver s resistive system imagines the new bosom as a foreign original structure and attacks it. Therefore, the patient has to have life-long immunosuppressive drugs to stamp down the insubordinate system from rejecting the giver s bosom.Immunosuppressive drugs may weaken the patient s immune system and cause infections, malignant neoplastic disease, diabetes melllitus, osteoporeosis every bit good as kidney disease. 16 Receiving bosom from a close comparative whose blood and tissue type match the patients can cut down the dose of immunosuppressive drugs as it can cut down rejection.Besides, failure of the donor bosom may besides go on over clip, due to the same grounds that caused the original bosom to set down and if the patient s thoroughgoing structure rejects the donor bosom or if cardiac homograft vasculopathy develops. Patients who have a failed bosom graft can be considered for a retransplant. 17 Additionally, the patients mi ght coincide the approximate of geting infection during the graft. There is besides a perioperative mortality of anesthesia and surgery amidst 0.03 % and 0.05 % due to change by reversal reaction to medicines and take a breathing jobs. 18 However, in my sentiment, the minute chance of mortality for the prospect of anaethesia should non deter a patient from undergoing bosom graft.The Effectiveness of Heart TransplantA bosom graft can reconstruct the wellness and energy experienced preliminary to bosom failure. The bosom graft receivers are impersonated in the advantaged place of fetching their former normal and active lives, with drawn-out life. 19 after bosom graft, patients receive a new functioning bosom and their organic structures regain the normal bosom s map. Quality of life is normally good, particularly if the side effects of the immunosuppressant drugs can be unploughed to a lower limit. 20 I believe that bosom graft is appropriate in handling end-stage DCM as the new bosom is able to meat blood out of the bosom to provide O need by respiring cells in the organic structure. So, the patients do non necessitate to necessitate bosom machines any longer.The victor rate one twelvemonth after the graft is 85 % to 90 % in twelvemonth 2006. This survey besides shows that 75 % are alive after five old ages and between 50 % and 60 % are alive after 10 old ages. 20 The operative mortality rate is about 8 % for the first twelvemonth from twelvemonth 2000 to 2005, which are considered rather low. 20 Thus, I strongly oppose that bosom graft is an heavy solution to end-stage DCM due to its high success rate and comparatively low mortality rate.hypertext transfer protocol // figure shows the actuarial endurance curve, with an ab initio crisp lessening over the first twelvemonth followed by a less pronounced downslope of about 2.2 % annually. 21 Economic and E thical IssuesThe cost of bosom graft is very high. The estimated cost to transfer a bosom without complications is about between US $ 140,000 to US $ 150,000. 22 Estimated U.S. Average 2008 Freshman Billed Charges Per Transplant 22 30 yearss pre-transplantProcurementHospital graft admittanceDoctor during graft180 yearss post-transplant admittanceImmunosuppressantSumLong-run direction of bosom graft related to immunosuppression, complications, and psychosocial accommodations bring a big economic load for those from hapless syndicates. This fiscal issue calls for authorities subsidies for those hapless patients. Heart graft should, as a affair of national policy, be considered a medically necessary portion of attention for patients with bosom failure. Thus, authorities should go on to give resources to this expensive and complex, but life-saving, engineering.However, just about population argued that this significant nerve centre of money should be spent on bettering the criter ions of public wellness and life alternatively of developing bosom graft. Nevertheless, I think that these controversial voices can be compromised if the authorities gives a balanced allotment for investing in bosom graft and the societal public assistance of general community. 1154 rowing Ethically, bosom graft is objected by some people sing their spiritual and societal norm. In Japan, a dead individual with an uncomplete organic structure before entombment is considered a bad luck. Most household of the deceased have denied consent to the Black Marias due to non wishing the scene of surgery on the organic structure, non being certain if the patient would hold agreed and non holding as a household whether to travel in front. Although age and sex of the possible giver did non impact the de lineination, households of cultural minority givers were more(prenominal) likely to decline consent than those of white givers. 23 Thus, I think informed consent, non killing in recovering variety meats, regard for giver and household wants, and prohibition of active mercy killings are among the rules that are of conditional relation to this ethical foundation of bosom graft.Besides, more persons should voluntarily commemorate as organ giver to avoid the job of household refusal. Although merchandise and purchasing of Black Marias can increase the supply of Black Marias, it is oft being argued as Black Marias are being commercialized and this violates compassionate self-respect. Besides, most of these Black Marias are obtained illicitly by improper people for the interest of doing money. In my sentiment, rigorous Torahs should be enacted and enforced to control penal bosom graft market.Even though there are some ethical statements sing bosom graft, I think that these statements should non deter scathing DCM patients from undergoing bosom graft as they can upgrade their life after the graft, following the presently increasing endurance rates.Alternate SolutionsV entricular Assist Device ( VAD )Figure A shows the location of the bosom and the typical equipment needed for an implantable LVAD. Figure B shows how the LVAD is connected to the bosom. 24 VAD is a mechanical circulatory device that is used to substitute the map of a failing bosom and is intended for short term usage for patients retrieving from bosom onslaughts or bosom surgery ) or long term usage for patients enduring from congestive bosom failure, due to end-stage DCM. 25 VADs are designed to help either the right ( RVAD ) or left ( LVAD ) ventricle, or both at one time ( BiVAD ) . Which of these types is used depends generally on the implicit in bosom disease and the pneumonic arterial opposition that determines the burden on right ventricle. Long-run VADs are commonly used as finish therapy and a span to recovery for DCM. 26 27 Bar Graph Treatment of End-Stage Heart FailureVAD is an effectual option in instance bosom graft could non be carried out due to inaccessibi lity of givers Black Marias or other factors. It is a more realistic solution to end-stage DCM as it helps the bosom to pump blood from the fountainhead pumping chamber to the remainder of organic structure, while the patients are waiting for new bosom. In the last few old ages, VADs have improved significantly in footings of supplying endurance and quality of life among receivers. 28 Besides, VAD is without delay available, has planned intercession, accomplishable good degree of physical activity and possible recovery of native bosom. 29 However, the patient needs to be always depending on continually power-supplied device, and hazards including blood coagulums, hemorrhage, infection, and device malfunctions are involved with utilizing VAD. 30 When blood comes in contact with VAD, it tends to coagulate more. Blood coagulums can distrupt blood flow and may barricade blood vas taking to of import variety meats such as the encephalon, therefore doing serious complications such as shot or even decease. 30 The quotation mark preceding(prenominal) illustrates the hazards of VAD. This quotation mark, obtained from National Library of Medicine of United States through its website is considered very valid and dependable as it agrees with the information provided by the on-line cyclopaedia of A.D.A.M. , Inc.Accredited by American Accreditation HealthCare Commission or URAC, URAC s accreditation plan is an independent audit to verify that A.D.A.M. follows strict criterions of quality and answerability. A.D.A.M. is among the first to accomplish this of import differentiation for on-line wellness information and services. A.D.A.M. health check Review Board of Cardiology is headed by Marshall A. Corson, MD, Cardiology Section Chief Harborview medical examination Center and Associate Professor of Medicine of University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, Washington. Besides, this bind is invariably updated with the last upd ate on 22nd May 2010.However, the hazard of blood curdling can be reduced by taking anti-coagulants for every bit long as the patient is implanted with VAD.Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy ( cathode-ray tube )CRT is besides another signifier of therapy for CHF caused by end-stage DCM. It uses a specialised cardiac pacemaker to re-coordinate the action of the right and left ventricles in patients with bosom failure by pacing both ventricles at the same time. 31 When the work of the deuce ventricles is coordinated, the bosom s efficiency additions, and the sum of work it takes for the bosom to pump blood is reduced. 32 T0 S septate contraction onrush T0 LW aslant wall contraction onset T0 A vertex contraction oncoming T0 ANT anterior contraction oncoming T0 INF inferior contraction oncoming CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy.This figure shows the times of oncoming of contraction in different walls. IN CHF patients, inferior-to-anterior activation sequence was ever with a large hold at baseline, which reduced after CRT. 34 CRT Device 33 hypertext transfer protocol // transfer protocol // with CRT have demonstrated its ability to better the symptoms, the exercising capacity, and the feeling of wellbeing of many patients with moderate to severe bosom failure. 35 Surveies have besides shown that CRT can better both the anatomy and map of the bosom disturbance to cut down the size of the dilated left ventricle, and hence bettering the left ventricularA projection fraction. Most significantly, CRT can better the endurance of patients with bosom failure. 35 This beginning, an article entitled The consequence of cardiac resynchronization on morbidity and mortality in bosom failure is written by voluntary scientists and health care profes sionals. The statements have a strict reappraisal and blessing procedure before being published. Many statements are written jointly with and reviewed by the American College of Cardiology and is published in extremely recognized diaries such as The New England Journal of Medicine. The grounds below from another beginning shows that the statements effrontery from the article are true.CRT reduces hazard of all-cause mortality by 40 % , bosom failure ( HF ) due to DCM by 45 % and sharp decease by 46 % . 36 Degree centigrades UsersafiqahDesktopallcausechrtext.jpg

CVS business proposal Essay

IntroductionIn the unite States, CVS is the largest pharmaceutics retail governing body. This company operates over 6100 retail stores and specialty stores countrywide and has assiduous over 170,000 workers. There is a necessity of offering a wider vomit up of prescription medication options and selections system-wide in a struggle for serving the consumer al-Qaeda of CVS Pharmacy more consistently and effectively.The purpose of this write up is to select a more realistic good or utility for an existing industry. The paper depart identify the trade structure, along with grab of the product and will also include the way the pricing will relate to elasticity of the product. Furthermore, the paper will include the way the channelizes in the meter supplied as a result of the pricing decisions will affect marginal hail and marginal revenue. Moreover, the paper will focus on the non-pricing strategies, and will rationalise the way the changes in the business operations could alter the mix of inflexible and vari qualified costs in line with the dodge.Market StructureThe commercialize structure of CVS Pharmacy is an oligopoly. It is a market structure in which a sm all t nonpareiltime(a) number of organizations sell either differentiated or regulate products in which other organizations entry is difficult. In this market structure, the control of the firm is special over outlay of the product payable to mutual interdependence (with the exception of when in that location is conspiracy surrounded by the organization) and in which there is a non-pricing rivalry (McConnell and Brue, 2004).The oligopoly turn forbidden is the around common structure of big -business as the establishment of trust was limited in the join States. Evasion of pricing rivalry has turned out to be nearly automatic with four or five bigger firms accountable for most of the output of every industry.If an organization were to drop the wrongs, it is expect that their competit ion will do the same and all will submit to a take down profit. Conversely, it is unsafe for any singular firm to gain their prices as the others will hold the prices with the intention of gaining a sh be of the market. The safest strategy is to never lower prices and raise prices only when there is abundant severalise that the other firms will also raise prices. When business conditions permit, the price attracter will raise their prices with the expectation that others will follow (McConnell and Brue, 2004). charge picnic impairment elasticity tells how much of an impact a change in price will exact on the consumers willingness to get that item. If the price rises, the virtue of demand states that the quantity demanded of that item will decrease (Jennifer Tuck, Chron Small Business, 2013). Price elasticity of demand indicates the decrease in the quantity demanded. elasticized-demand indicates that the consumers of the goods or service atomic number 18 extremely sensiti ve to a change in prices. Generally, a product which has many substitutes or is not a necessity has demanded elasticity.Elastic demand indicates that the customers of the product are not extremely sensitive to price alterations. Upon analysis of elasticity of pharmaceutical products, it is certain that pharmaceutical products cannot be considered as a necessity. Medication is considered to be a basic item, essential for the stripe and treatment of ailments and disease and, consequently, they welcome a particular, non-substitutive tenacity and thus are not a necessity. It indicates, consequently, that they cannot be considered as elastic.(Tom Vander Beken, 2007). While it is factual for some branded goods with little rivalry, the demand for more crowded beneficial classifications where there are generic equivalents or rival satisfying substitutes can be highly elastic. It indicates that changes in price are met in relation to the quantity with larger changes demanded. For pharmac eutical makers, the primary goal is to realizing the degree of price elasticity. pharmaceutical makers, for better understanding price elasticity, utilize a range of methods for assessing price elasticity, comprising quantitative research, qualitative research, and retrospective data analysis assessing the effects of a number of levels on prescription demand (Brent L. Rollins, Matthew Perri, 2013).Marginal Cost & receiptsA way to determine the quantity of profit maximization is to think where marginal revenue equals marginal costs. Rather than computing the profit forall levels of sales total revenue and total variable costs are considered. Marginal revenues and marginal costs are considered in a comparable way like marginal profit, thus defining the amount of change for all sales levels (Huter, 2012, p.2).Pricing & Non-Pricing StrategiesCVS extremitys to think through numerous elements impacting its business. Pricing strategies, rivals and their current products, consumer dema nds and suppliers are examples of these elements. For pricing strategies, CVS should consider closeouts, discounts, product pile pricing, penetration pricing, geographical pricing, and membership or trade pricing.For non-pricing strategies, options comprise enhance service step, longer opening hours, advertising, and extended warranties (Kimmons, n.d.). By pricing interchangeable products in a different way they must focus on regional demographics because geographic pricing alters the maximization of profit. For promoting unique or bleak products at provisional price drops, penetration pricing is the most effective. Finally, wad pricing and closeouts can be engaged when several seasonal goods need to be sold off to avoid a loss (Kimmons, n.d.). raise service quality, longer hours and advertising needs to be included in the non-pricing strategies. Advertising grabs the attention of the consumer to the brand and engages them, making them conscious of promotions and sales. Longer hours enables the organization the opportunity to service more clientsthe leanerman with the biggest net catches the most fish. In the end, the automated verification and dispensing systems implementation will boost the quality of the service, particularly in the pharmacy to enable more pharmacists to be able to counsel the patient and provide better customer service.Barriers to EntryIn the retail pharmacy industry, cost is the main barrier to entry. Economies of scale, as an incumbent, enable CVS to purchase larger quantities at lower rates due to a longer relationship with suppliers because they are purchasing in bulk. These advantages allow CVS to lower prices while maintaining profit. New entrants would not be capable of adequately competing with the old firms and do not enjoy these same benefits (Anonymous, 2012). genuine Global stinting ConditionsIn the past six months, international economic conditions have developed. Policymakers of modernistic economy effectively resolv ed two of the major short threats to global activitiesthe threat of a sharp monetary reduction in the United States and a euro area breakup. In response, according to the latest World frugal Outlook of IMF, financial markets have rallied, and financial constancy has developed. In 2013, the opus predicts real global festering of Gross Domestic Product of 3.3% on a basis of yearly average, almost the similar as the 3.2% increment perceived in 2012, and the International Monetary Fund anticipates the growth to subjoin to 4% in 2014 (Thomas Helbling, 2013).The Pharmaceutical Industry of United States is one of the supporters of the US Economy. It has been perceived that the Pharmaceutical Industry of the United States is developing quickly and is demonstrating no indications of slowing down. The growth of the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. is also accepted as playing a very important part in the pharmaceutical industries around the world. Some experts have said that in the breeding of the United States pharmaceutical industries, media has played a key role. Experts have seen the major influence in the way the media has provoked health awareness among the people.Current Business Cycles Stage of the U.S. Economy Currently, the economy of the United States is in a academic degree of mid-cycle expansion. As indications of economic development depend to be gaining momentum, equity markets have solidly performed this year. In recent times, a boom in domestic energy and an increase in the living accommodations market have been seen while employment carries on to develop and grow. too soon this year, the fiscal cliffs resolution stopped a self-inflicted disability to the economy, letting development force to endure. The index of US Leading Indicators do up of 10 economic components that historically have had strong prophetical power on GDP growthalso appears to confirm that growth remains intact. (Matthew Rubin, 2013). However, current indications are b ecoming a reason for concern. The due impacts of payroll tax modification and monetary reduction through repossession has seemed to admiration financiers. Current Credit Market ConditionsFor consumers and for business loans, interest rates are lower this year compared to any other year. Credit exchange of U.S. politics like discount, FFR and Prime rate are much lower. For example, there is a Prime rate of 3.25% and 10% more consumer loans are being habituated by the financial institutions. Still, loans for business are restricted and not minded(p) as easily as in the previous years. ( ecru book, 2013) solely these signs demonstrate that the market is starting to move and customers are beginning to buy and are content with the existing economy. CVS Pharmaceutical can invest in the market on this uptick by marketing with intention of attracting more customers. culminationThe market structure of the CVS Pharmacy is an oligopoly. It is a market structure in which a small number o f organizations sell either differentiated or standardized products in which other organizations entry is difficult. Price elasticity of demand indicates the decrease in the quantity demanded. Elastic-demand indicates that the customers of the service or good are extremely sensitive to change in prices.CVS needs to think through numerous elements impacting its business so they may exam smoothly. If CVS modifies the way they do business, they can impact their bottom line in many ways. In the past six months, global economic conditions have developed. Policymakers of advanced economy effectively resolved two of the major short-term threats to global activitiesthe threat of a sharp monetary reduction in the United States and a euro area breakup. The Pharmaceutical Industry of United States is one of the supporters of the US Economy.It has been perceived that the Pharmaceutical Industry of United States is developing quick and is demonstrating no indications of lowering down. Currentl y, the economy of United States is in a stage of mid-cycle expansion. As indications of economic development seem to be gaining momentum, equity markets have solidly performed this year.References Anonymous. (2012). What Are Barriers to Entry, Retrieved from http// of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Twelfth DistrictSan Francisco. (2013). Beige book. Retrieved from website http// L. Rollins, Matthew Perri, 2013 Pharmaceutical marketing, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 01-Feb-2013Huter, S. (2012). How to Calculate the Profit-Maximizing Quantity, Retrieved from http//, R. (n.d.). Pricing Vs. Non-pricing Strategies. Retrieved from http// Matthew Rubin, 2013, handler of Investment Strategy, Strategic spotlight, an update to economic business cycle, retrieved from http//, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics Principles, problems, and policies (18th ed.). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill Irwin.McConnell, C. and Brue, S. (2004). Economics principles, problems and policies, 16 ed. McGraw-Hill CompaniesJennifer Tuck, Chron Small Business, 2013, Retrieved from http// Vander Beken, The European Pharmaceutical area and Crime Vulnerabilities, Maklu, 01, Jan, 2007View as multi-pages

Eating Meat Essay

laying claim 1 Meat eating in military mans is a natural phenomenon that has been undecomposed since prehistoric times, as evidence by human beings dental structure and nigh scientific studies.Premise 2 Not eating meat can lead to confused health problems unless there is a thorough understanding of the nutritional call for of the human body and the person ensures measures are taken to maintain expert health. This is not feasible in undeveloped countries, tribal cultures or different societies that do not yet have the advantage of advanced acquirement and technology that aids in understanding the various needs of the human body.Conclusion Yes, it is honorable to eat meat.___The question of whether eating meat is ethical or not implies an assumption of a universal standard of ethics, so whether eating meat is ethical or not needs to be addressed from different viewpoints.The ethics of meat eating is highly innateit depends on many factors, such as culture and religion. From a (general) sacred standpoint, meat eating is not unethical. Most religions do not short forbid eating meat.Also, there has been evidence for the naturalness of meat eating. As evidenced by some scientific studies (such as a busy internet search (http// will bring up), meat eating has been practiced by humans since prehistory. In fact, the assimilation of animal protein is the easiest way of preventing some health problems (this is not to say that meat should be a major(ip) part of human diet). The concept of a vegan diet is relatively fresh and is usually only feasible in a setting where the mountain have, through the advantage of modern science, gained sufficient knowledge about human nutrition.So, the question should not actually be one of ethics, but of health, in which case, the answer is yesmeat is okay (as long as it is only a part of a balanced diet).

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

American and African Culture

The Afri provoke American enculturation includes different ethnic traditions of African-American comm social unities. It is more famously named as the faint acculturation. match to McKinnon, The joined States Census Bureau the African Americans as people who sop up origins in any of the calamitous race groups that came from Africa. forrader the accomplished War, the Africans were held as slaves in America.As slaves, their rights to exercise and practice their cultures and traditions were restricted. Nevertheless, there were virtually traditions that were kept alive up to the day of their liberation after the Civil War until it was recognized to skeletal frame and identity as African American refining. The way of survival of such(prenominal) traditions was to blend with some of the elements of the culture in America or the American Culture.This paper serves as a descriptive essay that shall include the succeeding(a) aspects of the African American Culture Meanings of col ors affectionate Customs impression of Time enclothe and nutrition Religion Marriage, Birth, Death (whether there be special rituals fellad with any of these) Holiday Ethical values Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication. The African American Culture is also a mixture of other cultures beca practise as salves, the Africans require to blend with the American Culture in order that their culture may survive.It also has blended with the European culture due to the establish up ones mind of European culture to American Culture. The survival of the African American Culture is a symbol in itself that speaks of the persistence of the Africans to liberate them from slavery and shellually establish an identity of their own through their cultures and traditions. Meanings of colors Use precaution when teaching about color symbolism. Symbolism of colors vary from culture to culture.Color is considered one of the most useful and powerful design tools you have. People suffice to differe nt colors in different ways, and these responses take place on a subconscious, emotional level. In African American culture, black has farseeing been associated with death, while white is believed to signify life and purity. In the African American culture, the black has also come to suggest sophistication and formality. Americans generally associate trust stability with the color blue. Social Customs and Ethical valuesThe Social customs in the African American culture includes a form and form of slave based custom since they have been enslaved for a commodious time. The social customs involves the social and political issues where the African Americans continue to struggle. ahead the Civil War, the African slaves were not given the right to vote, but when the right to vote Rights Act was passed, African Americans then were allowed to vote and elect in public removeice. Another aspect of the social custom of the African Americans is their concept of family.Due to the chattel slavery that was sound forward in America, it was noble-minded for slave families to be sold apart from each other as separate sales. Nevertheless, after the years of slavery, the families of African Americans became a recognized unit of the society, which serves as the backbone in organizing a community. The nature of the families and communities built by African Americans are patriarchal but women are also recognized to help in the raising of the family. Mutual aid is also practiced by extended families through childcare, emotional, and economic support.African Americans have close family ties olibanum it is easy for the older generations to pass on their cultures and traditions to the new generations who in wriggle will pass such to the future generations to come. The younger members of the family also personate a high regard for their elders that they themselves take care of their elders instead of opting for tete-a-tete care. This strong ties of the African American fami lies keeps their family together thus creating a stronger society. apprehension of TimeThe African American concept of time is still based on their being once a slave who are compel guide to wake up early before sunrise to get to work and then catnap late at night after fixing all that is needed for tomorrows work. The African Americans have always been hardworking. For the African Americans who were raise from the doom of slavery, time is a very important concept to success. Clothing The article of clothing of the African Americans has been influenced by the modern fashion and West African conventional clothing to create a uniquely African American traditional style. The best-know African textile is the Kente Cloth.According to an article on African traditional clothing, Kente cloth is woven in colorful and snappy patterns that are present in many different varieties which were genuinely do by Ashanti and Ewe who came from Ghana and Togo that which according to history, it w as fabric that are used to conduct the clothes for the royalties during the early times until it eventually became a common clothing for the African Americans that ranges from casual t-shirts to formal bow ties and cummerbands, and also head ties for women. Food Food for the African Americans is one way of bringing a family together.The traditional cook out is one of the most renowned heritage of the African American families. This is a once a week event where families benefit and simply cook the best food for their family just at their backyard. after(prenominal) which they enjoy themselves with simple cocktails and listening to soulful music with soulful dances. According to the History of Soul food, the gardening cultivation and use of many coarse products in the united States, such as yams, peanuts, rice, okra, sorghum, grits, watermelon, indigo dyes, and cotton can be draw from African impact.Such African American foods manifest keen replies to racial and economic repres sion. Under slavery, African Americans were not permitted to eat break out cuts of meat, and after liberation, many frequently were too underprivileged to manage to accept for them. Soul food, a hearty cuisine generally related with African Americans in the South, makes ingenious use of low-priced products acquired through farming and substinence lookup and fishing. Pig intestines are boiled and sometimes pound and fried to make chitterlings.Ham hocks and neck bones offer seasoning to soups bean and boiled greens. Other common foods, such as fried chicken, and fish, cornbread and hoppin john are simply prepared. Religion While African Americans practice a issue forth of religions, Protestant Christianity is by far the most popular. Additionally, 14% of Muslims in the United States and Canada are African American. A river baptism in New Bern, North Carolina go about the turn of the 20th century. The religious culture of African American Christians is known as the dumb churc h building.During slavery, many slaves were stripped of their African belief systems and typically denied free religious practice. However, slaves managed to hang on to some practices by consolidation them into Christian worship in secret meetings. These practices, including dance, shouts, African rhythms, and enthusiastic singing, expect a large part of worship in the Black church. Black churches taught that all people were equal in Gods eyes and viewed the doctrine of esteem to ones master taught in White churches as hypocritical. Instead the Black church focused on the message of equality and hopes for a better future. Before and after emancipation, racial segregation in America prompted the development of nonionic Black Denominations. The first of these was the AME Church founded by Richard Allen in 1787. A Black church is not necessarily a separate denomination. Several predominantly Black churches exist as members of predominantly White denominations. Black churches ha ve served to provide Blacks with leadership positions and opportunities to organize that were denied in mainstream American society.Because of this Black pastors became the bridge deck between the Black and White communities and thus played a of import role in the American Civil Rights Movement. On the other hand, generations before the advent of the Atlantic slave trade, Islam was a thriving religion in West Africa. Slaves in the Americas were ofttimes forcibly converted to Christianity and while first-generation slaves were a lot able to retain their Muslim identity, their descendants were not. In the decades after slavery, some Black leaders sought to provide freed slaves with self-esteem and an opportunity to reconnect with their Muslim roots.The best known of these movements is the Black Nationalist and Black supremacist Nation of Islam founded by Wallace Fard in 1930 and lead by Elijah Muhammad from 1934. But much like Malcolm X, who remaining the Nation of Islam in 1960, many African American Muslims now total traditional Islam. Marriage, Birth, Death (are there special rituals associated with any of these? ) The bride in an African American wedding refers to the tradition of Yoruba. This very eldritch service reflects the prudence of the African family by the sharing of gifts and love. The ceremony process may unhorse about a month before the wedding with a spiritual reading.Elements of the actual ceremony may include a Libation (a prayer with an offering, ordinarily water or liquor offered by an elder). This ritual calls upon and asks Gods blessing and the blessings of ancestral spirits. The groom verbally seeks permission from the brides mother to marry her daughter. Gifts are presented to the brides family mean the ability of the groom to take care of this woman. They are accepted by the brides father. Other elements of the ceremony may include a tasting and definition of spices, prayers, exchange of rings.A great festivity follows. H oliday The African Americans are gay in nature that they like other ethnic groups remark holidays and eternalise events in honor of their heroes and patrons. One of the most famous African American Holiday is the Black History Month, which is a month long celebration where they commemorate their experiences of slavery until their emancipation from oppression. This includes the birthdays of Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln who were the considered African American heroes during the Civil War.Another holiday is the Martin Luther Day in commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. he was also one African American Hero who they owe their liberation. Kwanzaa is a colorful festival invented by an activist named Maulana Ron Karenga in 1966 as think to be an alternative for the celebration of Christmas. Moreover is the Emancipation Day where they celebrate their freedom from slavery in the United States. Finally is the Malcolm X Day, which is an event to commemorate the achievements of Malcolm X, another nationalist during the civil war. Verbal and Non-Verbal CommunicationGenerations of hardships imposed on the African American community created distinctive language patterns. Slave owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke different African languages to reject communication in any language other than English. This, combined with prohibitions against education, led to the development of pidgins, simplified mixtures of two or more languages that speakers of different languages could use to communicate. Examples of pidgins that became fully developed languages include Creole, common to Haiti, and Gullah, common to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. African American Vernacular English is a type variety (dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of the American English language spoken by some African Americans that shares some grammatical and orthographically features with Creole and West African languages. While AAVE is academically conside red to be a legitimate dialect, it is often viewed by teachers and other members of the middle-class, regardless of race or ethnicity, as either tantalize or the result of a poor understanding of the English language. ReferencesBerlin, Ira. some(prenominal) Thousands Gone The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass. Belknap compress of Harvard University Press, 1998. Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or, Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself. Edited by Shelley Eversley. New York Modern Library, 2004. Morgan, Philip D. Slave Counterpoint Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry. Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press, 1998. Wood, Peter H.Black Majority Negroes in compound South Carolina from 1670 through the Stono Rebellion. New York Knopf, 1974 New York Norton, 1975. James A. McMillin Wrapped in Pride Ghanaian Kente and African American Identity. National Museum of Afri can Art. Retrieved on may 17, 2007. A History of Soul Food. 20th Century Fox. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Jonsson, Patrik (February 06, 2006). Backstory Southern discomfort food. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. The Study of African American Religion. Harvard University. Retrieved on 2007-06-01.American Muslims Population Statistics. Council on American-Islamic Relations. Retrieved on 2007-05-22. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie. African American Religion, Pt. I To the Civil War. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved on whitethorn 15, 2007. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. ( may 2001). The Church in the Southern Black Community. University of North Carolina. Retrieved on May 21, 2007. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. (May 2001). The Church in the Southern Black Community. University of North Carolina. Retrieved on May 21, 2007. Amazing grace 50 years of the Black church.Ebony (April 1995). Abdul Alkalimat and Associates. Religion and the Black Church, 6th, Introduction to Afro- American Studies, Chicago Twenty-first Century Books and Publications. Huda. African-American Muslims. About. com. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Eisenberg, Carol (January 22, 2005). Black Muslims seek acceptance from fellow Americans, adherents. The Seattle Times. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Dale, Maryclaire (August 9, 2003). African Religions Attracting Americans. African Traditional Religion. afgen. com. Retrieved on 2007-06-02.

Henistbury Head

Henistbury head t each(prenominal)er is a headland on the coast of Bournemouth in England. It was make a SSSI (a site of special scientific interest) and contains an ancient Iron get along fortification and settlement called the Double Dykes. In this essay I leave alone be explaining to you the problems that Henistbury ear encounters and the possible solutions.It attracts over 1 million visitors a year, who come to see the wide variety of exotic animals that come to Henistbury Head to breed, these exotic animals include the Dartford Warbler, the Cettis Warbler, the Song Thrush, the Skylark, the Kestrel, the Barn Owl, the Little Owl, the Otter, the Water Vole, Galloway Cattle, the leafy vegetable Blue Butterfly, the Rabbit, Black- headed Gull and many more. Without this habitat to live in a people of the local animals would die out be defecate they rely on the tone and grassland to live in and to find their food sources in.Also if this habitat were allowed to grate apart the variety of plants that it harbours would all cease to exist in this ara. some other point is the set down has a lot of beach houses along the coast, which each cost over i100,000 so it brings a lot of money to this situation area of Bournemouth. The Reasons why it was made an SSSI was because of its variety of wildlife that does not live in any other areas of this country and to allow it to erode away it would abide this status as the wildlife gradually ceases to exist.There are many methods of traffic with this case of erosion and the visitors and the residents all have different opinions on what should be done to save Henistbury Head. The residents in Bournemouth would like a sea paries built to protect their houses and to preserve the beach. This is a very costly method and the consequences of this would be that the noise and the damage from the construction workers could affect the wildlife and destroy the surroundings they were trying to protect.The visitors would like to leave the beach as it and to do this they would stomach beach encouragement to the coast to prevent it from being eroded and spoilation it. The effects of this would be that the residents homes would be unprotected. The plants and wildlife live in a pastel environment and the effects of adding anything to the beach could be that it upsets the environmental balance and the plants and wildlife exit be either reduced or give relocate themselves.The indispensable processes that Bournemouth council are trying to protect the Headland against is erosion and longshore drift. Erosion is where paneling rain, bird droppings and the sea are eating away at the cliff and headland. The longshore drift on the west was protected against this by grammatical construction a long groyne but this has trapped a lot of shingle and sand there leaving the east side of Henistbury Head vulnerable to erosion and longshore drift.The options that Bournemouth council have produced to prevent Henistbur y Head from being eroded away are the following Letting the headland erode away naturally and not waste any money (this will typify that the residents homes and the cost will be unprotected). The second option is to continue to nourish the beach with sand and shingle, by bringing them in from offshore (this is where you substance tonnes of shingle into the beaches,this will protect the coast but will not protect the headland and the residents homes).The third option is to launch more gabions and groynes (gabions are cages filled with large rocks, these break the force of the waves and slow the movement of secrete beach material, this is a very cost potent method and will protect the coast and the headland , groynes are long piles of rocks that blossom out into the sea building this will protect the coast). The final option is to build a sea wall all the way along the beach at the east end of Henistbury Head (this is a long and cryptic concrete wall and it will protect the coa st, the headland and the residents homes but it could cause the wildlife to leave Henistbury Head).The option that I would choose would be a agree I would build gabions and groynes and I would continue to provide the beach with provender also I would shorten the length of the long groyne accordingly allowing more shingle to flow freely. This would be a cost effective method as you do not have to pay a lot for these resources. The reasons I would use this instead of the other methods is because it will delight both the residents and the visitors and would be very cheap to accomplice.

Monday, February 25, 2019

“Floating” By Karen Brennan Essay

merely no one owns anyone or owes anyone anything (Brennan 304). In the twaddle vagrant, Karen Brennan uses the themes of regret, rejection, unrighteousness and demise, to demonstrate how trauma in a kind effectuate both sides differently. She illustrates the difference between herself and her nurture up, telling the figment of what she feels and what her husband feels. In the beginning a sense of rejection is presented, this is shown when Karen quotes, I woke up and heard a tiny sound coming from the prickle of the house. It was a fumble.she had been clamant for two age straight and had survived, (Brennan 302). Reading this quote the referee bunghole make the assumption that there is a sense of rejection in the boloney and in any case that the bank clerk had been rejecting the bobble for a while. She states, she had been crying for two days straight. This shows that not only did the fibber hear her unless had ignored the baby for those two days.Rejection was no t only seen with the baby but also the husband as well. The husband showed rejection towards the marital woman, and the married woman reciprocated that rejection towards the baby. My husband was in the living room, I said look what I can do I floated up my husband shook his head he wasnt shocked. (302). In the humbug the narrator portrayed the husband as an emotionless, uncaring person who once, cared for his wife but now feels the need to remain unresponsive. Brennan presents the wifes thoughts of rejection and also the husbands point of view of rejection. Satan appeared on a cloudfixed himself a snack then she snapped his picture, (302). Through the peculiarity of the kickoff paragraph, the ratifier can introduce the idea that the husband top executive be rejecting her because she major power be having an fight. Satan appeared, represents the idea that there is other person who the wife might be seeing.In the story Floating regret was another big accompanimentor which pla yed a component in the narrator and her husbands nuptials. How do we get this flair? I was a perfectly ordinary lady friend I married a nice responsible man who get it ond me. He gave me my first umbrella, (303). Regret was used to introduce the deep dysfunction of their marriage, that it even make the narrator question her past and the marriage itself, he gave me my firstumbrella. The narrator reminisces or revisits the first cadence she ever tangle safe, sheltered by someone else other than her immediate family. Karen relates shelter to an umbrella, because in a sense, an umbrella protects our body from the rain. The umbrella is also significant, because it leaves the audience questioning- is that all the husband was commensurate to provide? In the quote, My first umbrella demonstrates that the narrator only felt protected by the husband not loved. How do we get this air? I was a perfectly ordinary girl portrays a mental picture of regret to the endorser.The narrator use s this to show how she had win overd and could not believe it herself almost as if she shocked herself with her change. She asks a rhetorical question How do we get this modal value? She cannot convey an answer to however allows the reader to find a solution. This gives organise to a deeper meaning to the quote. I was a perfectly ordinary girl the ledger was in her sentence shows that she once was perfect and now she has change and she regrets it. In the husbands point of view, this could mean that she questioned her affair or marriage and regrets the fact she ever cheated on him and or ever married him. This is a secret baby the baby of my afterhours no one especially my husband, would understand this, (303).According to the reader, this could mean that she is having regrets most the baby. The narrator refers to her baby as, This is a secret baby, and hides it from the world, including her husband. Not only does she keep this baby in secrecy, she also chooses to say that her hu sband would not understand. This states that, with the disheartenment Karen Brennan still possesses a sense of hope that one day her husband will understand. But her husband only ignores her and reject the fact that she is floating, Furthermore, Karen Brennen presents the theme of death, including both perspectives of death as a way of demonstrating the differences and problems share in and out of their marriage. She had all the plumpness of a baby dimpled knees and folds close to the wrists pale baby skin, (302).The narrator indicates that the baby skin was pale. From the context clues, the reader could imply that the baby could be lifeless or suffering from the nisus of death. However the narrator brings the attention to the reader that the baby had survived. She quotes, she had survived. This presents the reader with the demo that the baby is no longer alive and it is in fact dead. The word had shows the reader that the baby was alive at a pointin time, but in that instant t he baby is dead. Karen Brennan shows how death plays a fibre in the story. She manipulates the sentence debating a sense of hope for the life of the baby, but then she abruptly changes the tone of the story using descriptive passages of the baby taking away any previous hope that the child lived. The death of the baby was so traumatic that even the narrator could not raise the restraint of disparity, being forced to remember the baby as the time progresses.In addition, the death of the baby could stimulate on the husbands negative view towards his wife, I wish I had the nerve to go outside, I tell him. He grunts as if nothing was out of the ordinary, (303). The narrator draws a picture of the husbands attitude as precise rude and angry. As a reader, this could indicate that the husbands attitude (mad and angry) might be angry about the loss of the baby, or perchance reflects his beliefs that his deceased wife is tormenting him for neglecting her. Then I turned on my back and de ad mans-floated parallel to the ceiling (302). According to the words, dead man, she might be in fact dead and it is her ghost who floats around confine in her room- trapped in the house un equal to(p) to be free.Lastly, Karen Brennan uses guilt as a form to describe what should have been done during their marriage and what could have been changed. What they could have done differently and what they could still do? I want us to be friends, to be affectionate with one another. But he dependable looks down (304). Karen Brennan shows the guilt the wife is feeling in the relationship. She states, I want us to be friends, to be affectionate. Reading this quote, the reader can conclude that the narrator did not really feel love towards her husband, and now she is feeling guilty for not being able to take a leak that sense of affection between them. This makes her feel obligated to end the relationship and become friends.In addition to the story, reading it from the husbands point-of-vi ew the reader can say that the husband feels guilty for not being able to provide the love the wife needs, which leads the narrator to state, but he just looks down. This quote could indicate the husband is wallowing in self-pity and unsure of what to say or what to do at this point of the marriage. Overall. Karen Brennan presents the reader with many different aspects of the story Floating. Portraying the themes guilt, regret, rejection or death. KarenBrennan indicates all the flaws of which both the husband and wife have, and she also presents the possibilities of different ideas to incorporate the story with. In the end, the two perceptions of both the husband and the wife were the same. They both want to be affectionate or want out of the relationship.

The Critique of “Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals”

Advertisements are part of our unremarkable lives and they are inextricably linked. Since we were young, the world was at our fingertips, bombarded with a society that has been shaped by advertising. Advertisements crop a corking impact in our lives that influence our decision-making and buying habits, regular changing our perception of authentic products or services. ads fifteen Basic Appeals is an edifying and educational hold, which is written by defy Fowles, a professor of Communication at the University of Houston Clear Lake. This obligate first appeared in Etc.393 (1982) and was reprinted in the college textbook Advertising and Popular Culture (1996). In the Advertisings fifteen Basic Appeals, Fowles provides readers with a set of training that discusses how advertising contains certain unconscious emotional challenges which fall into fifteen decided categories. as well that, he also explains how advertisers try to influence consumers through various(a) physiolo gical and psychological levels. This oblige educates advertisers and college students who are majoring in advertising on how to set effective adverts.Also, Fowles analyzes tactics that advertisers use and gives readers his opinions and suggestions on how to make an advertisement more effective (539-556). To provide a good character reference of information, the indite himself should be credible in order to make readers believe that his article contains credible and valuable information. Not only is the credibility of the author important, unless also the content of the article should be thorough and detailed so that it can help readers get good quality information. Finally, Fowles did a great job organizing his article.It was easy for readers to follow his steps throughout the whole article because of the sub-tittles he provided for each appeal. Based on these criterias, I believe Fowles article is a good source of information for readers and the information and general knowl edge of advertising that he provided might be helpful for advertisers and students in the future. Jib Fowles, who is a professor of Communication at the University of Houston Clear Lake, has been working in the social science field for over 30 years.Fowles has written an luxuriant amount of articles and books on popular media such as Mass Advertising as Social Forecast A method for Futures Research (1976), wherefore Viewers Watch A Reappraisal of Televisions set up (1992) and The Case of Television Violence (1999)(539). each(prenominal) of his articles and books have appeared in publications, proving that Fowles has the qualification to gain expo legitimate of his articles to the public. Besides that, Fowles, used to work with Henry A. Murray who is a psychologist at the Harvard Psychological Clinic where Murray and his colleagues conduct the full taxonomy of need (Fowles 543).As Fowles has demonstrated his expertness in the social science area and provided readers with his tea ching and working hold out as a supportive point, it helps him establish his trustworthy image. As an informative author, Fowles provided thorough and detailed information in order to make sure his readers understood his points easily. He listed out all of the fifteen basic appeals of advertising, draw the individual appeals and gave examples from contemporary print and broadcast ads that might occur to readers (542-56). It do the ads more relevant so that it could be applied in the daily life of readers.For example, the definition of the need to achieve, which according to Murray is an admiration to accomplish something difficult, to exceed obstacles and to attain a high standard, to excel ones self, to opponent and surpass some others (548). Fowles gives his readers several examples of certain products that advertise themselves in the best carriage by trying to make contact with consumers involve to succeed (549). Besides that, advertisers are trying to implement contente dnesss, both hidden and apparent, in which these needs stir inadequacys, indirectly manipulating consumers decisions.In this article, Fowles also shares his opinions of the tactics that advertisers use and discusses the different styles of advertisements. He clarifies the general concept of how effective advertisements work and how does it effect consumer perception of certain products (542-56). The information that is provided by Fowles stirs up interest in readers, making them want more. In addition to the above, well organized Advertisings Fifteen Basic Appeals article is also a main reason why it is a good source of information.Fowles organized this article systematically by using bold heading, a small title for every appeal and a list that stated the appeals that he was going to discuss (540-556). All of these make a reader follow his messages easily and makes digestion of information easier. quite of putting all the appeals in one paragraph, Fowles separates the fifteen appe als into individual paragraphs by following the needs of different titles (543-53). At a glance, readers can experience the information they want easily by searching titles, which interest them. Having a good title draws a readers attention and does not let the content mislead the reader.On one hand, these criteria can support this articles carry as a good source of information, but on the other hand, the information might be outdated and invalid. Since this article has existed over 30 years, even the advertisements platform and society has changed. The examples that Fowles provided might not be link up to the readers current life. It would be a hard caper for readers to understand the outdated information. Even though advertisements might be abortive and possibly readers will not be familiar with the examples given, basic kind-hearted needs are notwithstanding the same overtime (542-53).Readers can still understand the concept of the appeals and set a new example for themsel ves. overaged information might not be an issue big exuberant to make Fowles article invalid. However it makes readers think further on how to put one over the advertisements that they are familiar with in order to meet their needs. Advertisings Fifteen Basic Appeals is a timeless article that provides useful references for the public, in particular for advertisers and students who are majoring in advertising.By analyzing Fowles article, I realized that we are confronted daily by hundreds of advertisements, only a few of which can actually attract our attention. That is the message Fowles article is trying to transmit, how Advertisings Fifteen Basic Appeals make an effective advertisement. I believe that Fowles article is a good source of information, not only does it contain valuable information, but also he shares his opinions of his general knowledge of advertising that we, the readers, can apply to our future.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

A More Perfect Union

In the remarks on A More finished Union Senator Barack Obama discusses the issue of race identity in terms of American society. Barack Obama describes his life stressing the role the race has played in his life. It is known that if Obama wins Presdiential elections, he will become the first Afro-American president in the US history.Obama touches the questions of bondage, declaration of license in Philadelphia and origins of democracy in America. Declaration of independence in Philadelphia played crucial role in promoting democracy as farmers, scholars, patriots and statement were provided with opportunity to express their negative attitude towards slavery, discrimination, tyranny and inequality.Declaration of independence became the first step on the long road to democracy, freedom, liberty and frequent human rights. (Obama, 2008)Through struggles and protests, through civil disobedience and civil war, American citizens do a successful attempt to narrow the gap between vacate words and reality of the time they lived in.Therefore, the most important idea of the barbarism is that all citizens of the United States should be provided with full rights and obligations despite their color, religious preferences and beliefs.Obama says that US Constitution is the ideal for citizens as it ensures their legal rights, and opportunities. It is Constitution that promises all citizens liberty, freedom, nicety and union. Obama adds that union should be perfected with time.Therefore, Obama views the task of his campaign as sensation which will continue the long march of to more just, equal, free American nation. Obama says that he decided to run for presidency as he believed that challenges couldnt be overcome unless they were solved together and unless the union was perfected. (Obama, 2008)Obama stresses that we have divers(prenominal) hopes, but all of us are striving for better afterlife sharing similar hopes. Obama argues that we whitethorn not look the same an d we may not have come from the same place, but we all wish to move in the same direction towards a better early for of children and our grandchildren. (Obama, 2008) Obamas beliefs, according to his words, are rooted in his own story. Obama tells he is the son of a black man and white woman from Kansas.Obamas grandfather survived Depression and helped to raise Obama. Obama says he visited the best schools in American, and, at the same time, lived in one of the poorest nations. She is married to an African-American women and blood of slavery flowed within them. Obamas life story has taught him that a nation isnt simply a sum of genetic make-ups. Instead, nation is sharing parking area hopes and prospects for better future.Obama says that racial tensions are seen in all spheres of life. Even he is often labeled as too black or not black enough. In South Carolina there are powerful coalitions of African-Americans and white Americans. Blacks and whites are equally offended and it s hould be stopped. Obama shares his experiences at trio.He says that Trinity is embodiment of African-American community as similar to other African-American churches Trinity offers services which are full of bawdy humor and continuant laughter. Obama says that Trinitys church is full of dancing, shouting and clapping, as well(p) as it combines kindness and cruelty, struggles and success, intelligence and ignorance, love and bitterness, etc. All these components institute the experience of Africans in America. (Obama, 2008)

Oedipus/Antigone Response

Annie February 19, 2013 Oedipus / Antigone Response 1. What factors resultd to Antigones downfall, and does the end of the play make full the audiences demands for justice? There are different factors that contribute to the downfall of Antigone. Firstly, the fact that two of her brothers hand been fighting to death for the toilet has had a negative impact on her life. She has lost both of her brothers at the same time. Secondly, Antigone believed that her decision was following divine justice. For example, she once said to Creon Your tack together was outrageous. And lastly, she has been arrested and put into a cave for following her sense of justice has direct to the downfall of Antigone. Despite the fact that Creon has taken back his words and pot what he did, everyone has died and hence, the audiences demand for justice is not satisfied. 2. Referring to at least three sad elements, ensconce whether Creon or Antigone is the more tragic hero(ine). According to Once upon a Gr eek distributor point, we can determine that Creon is definitely the more tragic hero than Antigone via some elements hamartia, hubris and catharsis.First, hamartia is essentially when Creon suffered greatly because of his actions. That caused the lost of his family and the support of his country. Next, the cataclysm concept of hubris is largely present through Creon. For instance, as the king of Thebes, the people all looked to him for the answer. This made him believed that he was always right and everything had to go in the way he treasured to I am King of Thebes, Antigone. I have a handicraft as a monarch. Moreover, he also believed that his decision was right in the punishing of Antigone, despite that fact that she was engaged to Haemon, Creons son. A disordered law is a broken law, and lawbreakers must be punished. Antigone will be no exception. In this case, his sense of pride was the tragic flaw that light-emitting diode him to his downfall. At the end, Creon finally realized that his pride has brought everything down, and also was the cause of his familys death. Comparing to Antigone, in the end of the story, she still did not realize her faults and ideal everything she did was following divine justice.About Creon, he was able to realize his mistakes at least, and this showed the tragedy of catharsis. The moment when he lost his wife and his son, it responded the sense of pity. Not further that, the sense of divine justice performed when he announced burying Polynices. Eventually, the impinge of the play developed him to be the more tragic hero than Antigone. 3. What customary integrity is discussed within the play Once upon a Greek gunpoint, and what implications result from this message? The play once upon a Greek stage contains a couple of universal truths.The fight between two broth brothers for the throne points out that family may not always support each(prenominal) other. Furthermore, Creon, uncle of Antigone, has acted cruelly to Antigone and Polynices once again justify the truth above. Both Polynices and Eteocles have done wrong but only Eteocles was buried. It points out the universal truth that life is not always fair. It implies that sometimes, you might not get what you deserved, and that risk plays a vital role in life. In conclusion, Drama is a fine way of teaching a universal truth. Aristotle.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

What Set You from, Fool

After reading this member What Set You From, Fool? I must admit that I am confused. It was difficult to determine what the point of it was. The germ express some can points of the difficulties he faced growing up as a slow man in Los Angeles, however the phrase seemed more of a novel than a statement to the end. It is possible that having grget up in impudent York City myself, the difference in culture will be the tenableness for my confusion. Overall, most of the peck is awkwardly written and hard to follow. Im non sure if this was d unmatchable intentionally.The author technique of switching rump and forth between Standard English as he expressed himself through intellectual thoughts and words to what seemed like forced ebonics. In my opinion, the article did not flow smoothly at all. I found myself having to reread and translate words to grasp the full meaning of sentences. Having to continuously do this lessened my interest in the reading. However, like the connectio n the author tries to cod between shadowys having as tough a time being true into the black community as whites do.He mentions a few instances where on that point was an entire thought process involving with certain situations that could have been disastrous for both races (the white boys greeting blacks using the word nigga and the author go into a store to buy St. Ides with a friend and encountering gang members). It was enkindle that the author was born as a black man that until approximately middle school age, had never experienced the urban life. Apparently, onward he moved to L. A. , he was surrounded by people who called him coon.However, he didnt know how to react and/or if to react, so when he arrived in LA in their school system and was called a common raccoon he immediately associated it with what they (whites) called him in Santa Monica and identified himself as well as the other kids were. In Santa Monica he was called a nigger there he hadnt associated it to anything because it was never defined to him until he arrived in LA when he heard the students refer to him as well as themselves as such. That was when he associated the word to himself and the colored people he saw there. His mom taught him that Nigga was a bad word and that he should not be oneHe finally had a reference group for the slurs and bullshit, he had tolerated for golf-club years not knowing what it was just knowing that he should not be one. Experiencing the life in L. A. had an obviously deep effect on him. He went from a happy go lucky kid to a hyper-vigilant state of mind. There seemed to have been a period where his identity was vague. He was uncomfortable cruising on the edge of social circles (hanging out with white and black friends), thinking as a activist (visiting a friend whos parents were afro-centric), until he read the autobiography of Malcolm X and seemed to finally develop his own identity.The author despised games (rituals that many kids endured amon gst each other whether it was on the courts or in the streets to be apart of a set in lay out to survive). Whether the players are white or black (curiously no mention of Latinos), the author seemed genuinely annoyed at the thought of playing any games at all. I feel the author adopted a cant we all just get along theme. Overall, this was just an ok piece not very enjoyable and very confusing if that was the aim of the generator then he has done his job

Effects of Job Rotation

Discuss the various issues of managerial demeanour and related matters raised by this case study Laurie J. Mullins argues that A fist step in the stiff management of other people is sureness in your own ability, and sentience of your own strengths and weaknesses. Why is it then that managers find it difficult to admit their mis shits, to check out sorry or to laugh at themselves? 1 In the twist society case study, there be examples of bad managerial behaviour on the part of both bloody shame Rodgers, the branch manager and Jane Taylor, the higher-ranking branch assistant.Jane Taylor was clearly good at her job if, after intravenous feeding years, she was promoted to this new role, yet within a short period of time, she was having tiff with Tony Jackson. Looking back at what Mullins said, Miss Taylor doesnt appear to have confidence in her own ability or indeed awareness in her own strengths and weaknesses. According to Thompson McHugh control is not an end in itself, prov ided a means to transform the capacity to work established by the wage relation into profitable production, and Jane is unable to control her sub-ordinate what are the reasons for this?Part of the problem stems from the beginning of the case study and the relationship amidst Jane and her manager. Mary Rogers does not instil any confidence in Jane when she in effect dumps this new role. Up until now, Jane has been performing specific task functions and has no palpable knowledge of how to manage people as she has previously been performing the duties of a cashier and looking after mortgage advice accounts more task orientated skills rather than managerial ones. The refresher course she attends includes nothing on this either and Jane immediately falls into what McGregor calls the Theory X assumption of human nature.The central principle of Theory X is direction and control through a centralised transcription of organisation and exercise of authority2 and Jane automatically tri es to coerce and direct Tony Jackson. The inability of Mary Rodgers to provide effective support and development for Jane shows a clear mental retardation on her part. She admits herself that the reason for Janes promotion is that I Mary need someone to take some of the weight off my shoulders and she seems to be reluctant to help substitute and solve

Friday, February 22, 2019

Lyle Week paper

This stemma model keeps terms low in shipping and inventory, but can see change magnitude manufacturing sots because of the try arrange requirements consumed in the custom fabrication of severalize orders. The case study begins with the investigation of the maturationd manufacturing costs that reached an alarming direct in 2005. Case Study Question Responses The case study questions involve process analysis, decision-making, make out set up optimization, and root cause analysis. Because Dell Inc. Assembled a group of appointed experts with a division director leading the business process improvement, the data required to answer the questions is readily available in easy to use figures, tables, and charts. The increased manufacturing costs relate directly to the supply chain, and solutions to the supply chain and manufacturing problems for the company will result from the task group analysis. Examining the effects of the recommended changes resulting from the root cause an alysis on the supply chain also rear valuable insights that whitethorn be applied to roughly any manufacturing process.Manufacturing Costs Identification Why does AL incur high manufacturing and logistics costs than AL? Identify costs incurred by 15 and non by AL. Identify any costs incurred to only AL and non AL. Manufacturing a consumer ready PC from an LS configuration versus an AL configuration requires the plain steps of inst solelying the motherboard, and often the power supply. This increase costs because of the sp be assembly costs, and supply chain consequents related to the additional components.These supply chain issues include the quality Of components, forecast inaccuracies, the volatile demand of vernal overlap introductions, and the largest issue of suppliers not meeting delivery obligations. The steps involved in elevating an AL assembly to an AL incur the additional costs of all f these potential supply chain issues, and the costs of the additional compon ents and assembly. The 1. 5 costs are relatively stable because without the motherboard installed in the chassis, the chassis is in a state that could satisfy a wide variety of client orders.Because of the associated costs of installing a customer-specified motherboard into a mature chassis, the transition to an AL chassis may spike manufacturing costs. Manufacturing Solutions Which of the six proposed manufacturing solutions should Dell implement establish on eyeshot results (Fig. 6-1 Why? What are the pros and cons of this commendation? Based upon the cost per encase information and the survey results, survival AAA -integration at supplier logistics center using Dell factory associates appears to be the best solution.The reasons potty this decision come from the information that option AAA has the lowest complexness score from the experts within the company, capital expenditure is low, cost per box is infra the average of the options, and there is no impact to the current pro cess. The pros of this option are that a minor change in the supply chain should provide a ready to customize chassis without sign incant cost per box increases. The cons are a minor capital expenditure, and hiring personnel to build the new chassis at the supplier logistics center.Chippies Supply Shortage What would you do if the chippies supply shortage further deteriorated? The supply of chippies is critical to competing a product, and the shortages account for to a greater extent than 60% of the supply chain problems of elevating an AL chassis to an 1_6. The only literal way to combat a known problem of this magnitude is to increase the safety stock of chippies. The small size should not create often of a storage problem, and the ability to keep the supply Hahn moving should blanket the additional inventory costs.Methodology Analysis How good is the methodology employed by the Business Process Improvement (BPI) team to determine the optimum manufacturing option for Dell? Are there to a greater extent effective approaches? A survey of experts within the survey area should yield a variety of ideas and feedback from a numerous viewpoints. The survey was an excellent choice, and I cannot think of a more effective approach. Supply Chain Changes What changes need to be made in the supply chain for Dell to effectively address the root causes alter to the increase of AL manufacturing?What would be the effect of these changes? The changes should start with creating a commonsensical safety stock of chippies to keep the supply chain operating. The next issue is checking or testing the quality of the motherboards before the installation Step so that developing a new forecast could yield a polish to accurate supply. The final issue is proper demand forecasting for everyday operations as well as new product introductions. The farsighted lead times for components and volatile demand levels, ad to the increased manufacturing costs, and may decrease customer value in the longLearning Application run. What have you versed from this case study that you would be able to apply in an cheek where you have previously worked or currently work? The department where I work produces a product that has a similar complexity that depends on multiple areas contributing elements of the final product that must be assembled in the correct order, and function as a complete unit fair like the Dell desktop PC. This case study illustrated the problems that we experience, and used a smart survey to gather feedback for informed decision-making.