After b exclusively warf atomic number 18 I, the Statesn raft and the authors among them were left disillusioned by the do that war had on their rig of magnitude. the States needed a publications that would explain what had happened and what was accident to their nightspot. the Statesn writers turn to what is now kn suffer as contemporaneousness. The influence of nineteenth ampere-second realism and realness and their truthful re boonation of Ameri break away look and people were evident in post terra firma contend I contemporaneity. This paper will gauge to fold this by presenting the prefatorial desires and of these literary genres, literary examples of each, and then spot connections mingled with the deuce literary dejections. realism and advance(a)ness not hush established American auberge after-hoursr on World demesne of war I rightly and unbiasedly, only when besides move to realise the solutions brought upon by the suffering created by the war (Elliott 705). The intense execution of the recently 19th ampere-second adage authors accurately depict flavour and its problems. Realists move to give a comprehensive characterisation of ripe vivification (Elliott 502) by presenting the entire television. They did not try to give one view of deportment but alternatively attempted to show the different classes, manners, and stratification of breeding in America. Realists created this vulnerability of America by combining a life-threatening variety of points derived from observation and docu mentation... to approach the average of experience... (3). along with this proficiency, realists comp ard the objective or absolute existence in America to that of the universal truths, or observed facts of life (Harvey 12). In different words, realists objectively looked at American confederacy and pointed tabu the aspects that it had in common with the general truths of existence. This living movement evolved as a result of m each switch overs and tra! nsitions in American culture. In the novel 1800s, the United States was experiencing swift growth and change as a result of a ever-changing economy, conjunction, and culture because of an inflow in the number of immigrants into America. Realists much(prenominal) as Henry throng and William doyen Howells, devil of the closely prolific writers of the ordinal-century, utilize normal realistic method actings to create an accurate depiction of changing American life. William doyen Howells, succession opposing motiflization, made his ludicrous criticisms of clubhouse (Bradley 114) by comparing American culture with those of other countries. In his comic writings, Howells criticized American morality and ethics but palliate managed to accurately portray life as it happened. He attacked and attempted to solving the moral difficulties of rules of order by this rapid change. (Elliott 505). He believed that novels should should present life as it is, not as it mogul be ( American Literature Comptons). In the process of doing this, Howells demonstrated how life mold the characters of his novels and their own motives and inspirations. By concentrating on these characters strengths as irrelevant to a strong plot, he thematically wrote of how life was violate than mephistophelean and, in return, hopeed his literature to inspire more good. On the other hand, Henry James essayd the world from a sight ...offered by society and history... (704). He also separated himself from America to create an unbiased view of it as a informant and analyst quite a than recorder (Spiller 169) of the American societal structure. He wrote from a perspective that allowed him to contrast American society with that of europium by separate the peoples ideas. By contrasting accessible determine and personal though astir(predicate) America in America, he presented to the people the differing motivational factors that stimulated the different social classe s (Bradley 1143). Overall, these writers managed to ! genuinely formally portray America as it was while adding their own criticisms more or less it in an attempt to stimulate change. The naturalist movement slowly developed with close of the same ideals as those of the realists in that it attempted to find lifes truths. In contrast, Naturalists, extreme realists, saw the obnubilate side of life and how environment deprived separates of state (Elliott 514). literary pragmatism invited writers to examine human race bes objectively, as a scientist studies disposition (Am. Lit. Comptons). In portraying ugliness and cruelty, the authors refrained from preaching just about them; rather they left readers to draw their own conclusions about the life they presented. Generally, these authors took a pessimistic view to portray a life that touch on on the negative part of mans existence. When traffic with society directly, naturalists generally minute the destruction of people without any sen clipnt. To do this, they wrote more clear about societys problems in a more open manner usually employ reputation as a symbol for society. Naturalistic literature, same(p) realistic, served as a accelerator pedal for change but, in contrast, was a pocket-sized more manage propaganda. Even though only twenty years may have separated them, the transformation from realism/naturalism to lateism was a long one in terms of how oft society had changed. The aforementioned rapid change in American society and Americas relation with the rest of the world left America in disarray. After the first World struggle, American society was divided and left without definition. This called for a tender age of literary expression to control and document the isolationistic fears, corruption, and disillusionment (Bradley 1339-1340) ca utilize by the war. Authors looked to explain their generation and to resolve to the social and moral confusions (1340). The World warfare broke shine Americas fundamental institution s by dehumanizing the people that provided their stro! ng foundations (1339). War belittled the individual identity and the society as a solid. The human personality was dwarfed as practicallytimes by the ...dehumanizing magnitude of modern events... as by natural laws that controlled man to their own destiny. Authors aft(prenominal) World War I created a new literature of enduring merit...that shatter conventional taboos in their expression of physiologic and mental actuality. (Bradley 1339) This was the pedigree of modernism. Modernism, although strongly influenced by realism and often referred to as an lengthening of realistic values, was the answer to Americas newfound problems. Modernism promoted and combined the scientific aspects of naturalism along with a mental examination of the individual and the culture. By cosmos so data-based (1340) and intense (1337), modernism was able to unite America after a stopover of crisis. Modernism centered on explorations into the uncanny nature of men and the value of his soci ety and institutions. (1337) Like realism, modernists center on changes on society (Elliott 699) and used symbolism, although in this bailiwick kernelual, to draw their simile (Bradley 1340). Modernist writers, like roughly Americans, were amazed at the destructive supply of war on the common man. Writers such as Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and F. Scott Fitzgerald spearheaded the forward-looking renaissance by employing realistic and naturalistic techniques. Hemingways The Sun too Rises details the principle of an derangement from society that had been forced upon by the circumstances of the time (Spiller 271). In this case, it describes a young male child alienated from society because of his elaborateness in World War I, the ...loss of faith and hope..., and ...collapse of former values... that occurs (Hart 284). His early works can nightimes be described as containing singularity influences of naturalism (Bradley 1339). This can be reflected in his p resentation of the relentless relations betwixt env! ironment and fate... (1339). Later in his c arr, Hemingway once again took the alienation from society route. This time, in the spirit of realist Henry James, he separates himself from American society to better judge it. With his novel The Rolling Hills of Africa, Hemingway compares American culture to that of another. At times, Hemingway ...began to come along like a little more than a modern realist... (Spiller Lit His 1300). William Faulkner, producer of some of the intimately important books of the twentieth-century, also draws the connection mingled with environment and fate strongly. He combines naturalism and primitivism, a literary technique involving clear imagery, to create a sometimes confusing and complicated detailed reading that involves ...people of all sorts wealthy and poor, pestiferous and good, slave and free come into tart focus in his writing. (Faulkner Comptons) This idea, much like that of realist James, provides the reader with the whole picture of society. The novels and short stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald are famous for portraying the broken generation of the post-World War I era. Faulkners moral values were social rather than personal (Fitzgerald Comptons). He believes that his writing should address the problems that society has and the problems that he has with society. Faulkners prose is ornate and complex. His sentences are long and complicated, and many nouns and adjectives are used. Hemingways style is quite the opposite. His sentences are short and pointed, and adjectives are used sparingly. The effect is one of groovy power and compression. By compressing his literary ideas in his writing, he makes his literature easily still and direct to his readers. Many connections can be made between the literature of the late 19th century realism and naturalism and that of post-World War I modernism.

First and most importantly of all, modernists, like realists and naturalists, attacked societys problems by using symbolism to make their own judgments of the basic foundations of American life. Modernists, such as Ernest Hemingway, looked at American society and compared to that of other cultures of the world. This technique had been extensively apply by such realists as Henry James. Modernism used the naturalist method of scientifically exploring the individual and the society. Stylistically, modernists, with the exception of Hemingway, wrote in a very(prenominal) formal, defined form. Modernists and realists both attacked the moral dilemmas in society. The only unlikeness was that these dilemmas were different. While that realists attempted to give a comprehensive picture of modern li fe... (502), modernists wished express the whole experience of modern life. (Elliott 598). These authors of the realistic and modernistic period had the same goals so naturally they wrote using the same ideas, methods, and principles. Realists focused on different literary aspects to detail how American culture was affected by these changes. They detailed characters cause by society and tried to convey the good and evil aspects of life. Mirroring this technique, modernists portrayed people alienated and rejected from society because of the effects of the first World War. Both focused on lucubrate problems facing their characters, externally and internally, while not focus on plot development. Thematically, both groups of authors conveyed the good and bad aspects of a changing American society. Both rallied for change and both asked for the spousal consanguinity of society, but both still lingered more on the social movement of corruption in America. The only thing that separated the two movements was the societies around! them. While both societies were experiencing major change quickly, they were so different. The two literatures had to be distinguished not because of their content and character, which was for the most part the same, but instead because of the differing conditions that existed around the literature. Even though both wanted to accurately depict life, they were written in two very distinct times in American history. In one, American culture was expanding and adapting. In the other, life was being oppressed by the dehumanizing agents of warfare on a big scale. As we know, culture influences literature. Even though these two literary movements may have only been separated by about twenty years, in these twenty years, focus shifted from the interior of American society to how American society was affected by a conflict created as a result of opposing cultures. This idea of differing cultures producing differing literatures provides the tooshie for the differences in the movem ents. Modernism after World War I was influenced by the realistic/naturalistic movement of the late ordinal century. The literary goals, techniques, and principles of the modernists and realists/naturalists were the same. Both wanted to paint an unbiased, accurate picture of society by confronting the problems of the individual and of the society. To do this, most of the time they resorted to the same techniques. They created literature that combined scientific reasoning, unidealistic views, and sensible and psychological examination that painted a portrait of society that could be used to help American society adjust, define, and heal. Realists of the late Nineteenth century and modernists of the 1920s wrote alike but were divided on the basis that their respective societies were so different. American Literature. Comptons synergistic cyclopedia (Computer Program) 1995. Bradley, Sculley. The American Tradition in Literature. New York urban center: W.W. Norton and Compan y, Inc., 1967. Elliott, Emory. Columbia literary an! nals of the United States. New York city: Columbia University Press: 1988, 502-504, 599. Faulkner, William. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program) 1995. Fitzgerald, Scott F. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia (Computer Program) 1995. Hart, James D. The Oxford Companion to American Literature. New York City: Oxford University Press, 1995: 284-285. Pizer, Donald. Realism and Naturalism. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1966: 3, 10-11. Spiller, Robert E. The rhythm of American Literature. New York City: The MacMillan Company, 1966. Spiller, Robert E. et al. Literary History of the United States. New York City: The MacMillan Publishing Company, 1974. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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